Sunday, September 30, 2012

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me...


So I taught Sunday School this morning. The lesson was on showing respect to those who are in authority even when they don't deserve it. Hmmmm, that's a tough one in my mind! I have a tendency to rant about those in authority if I don't believe they are doing their “job” the way they should be doing it or ....wait for it....the way I THINK IT SHOULD BE DONE! You know because I know better than they do...Someone out there thought they were best suited for the job and yet I think I could do it better if I was doing it....I really think that is where the disrespect my arrogance.

You probably all have been there from time to time...You think you could run the country better then the party in leadership, you think you could preach better than “that minister” run your work place better than your boss or maybe you think you could raise that kid better than that Mom or Dad who don't know what they are doing.....

Well the bible story that went along with the lesson today was found in 1 Samuel 24 it was when King Saul was still reigning and was out to kill David before he took over his Kingdom. (This was a God position change btw not David thinking he was better suited for the job).

Here's how the story goes...Saul was out to kill David because God had called David to become King which meant Saul was losing his position. So David and his army flee to the dessert to avoid Saul. Saul is in pursuit of David and unknowingly catches up with him. Saul goes into a cave to “relieve” himself (no indoor pluming back in the day...not even an outhouse). So Saul goes into the cave to do his business and doesn't realize that David and his men are hiding in the cave. So all David's men say go kill him while you have the chance. David however refuses to kill Saul because he knew God did not want him to harm Saul even if it was a get him before he get's you scenario. However David DOES go over to Saul and cut a piece off his robe without him knowing it. Then when Saul leaves the cave David yells to him and say “Saul, my Lord I'm your servant.” Long story short he shows him what he did and how he spared his life even though he didn't deserve it. Saul cries says you're a better man than me. Please promise me that you won't harm my family when you become king. David promises to take care of Saul's family and keep Saul's name alive.

David could of been justified in killing Saul. However he saw the bigger picture and wanted to start his reign in a more dignified manner.

Maybe there is someone in your life that you need to respect and you don't feel like it because they don't deserve it. Personally I get that. However as we choose respect I think it will make us the better person! 1 Peter 2:17a tells us to “Show proper respect to everyone...”

Everyone messes up! Sometimes people don't make the best choices but they are still in charge! So we still need to show them respect. No one will always deserve to be in charge but that doesn't give us the right to disrespect them when they mess up. Bottom line if we were given the opportunity to do what they are doing we very well could possibly mess up worse than them!!! David did go on to be King and he wasn't perfect in his reign he messed up big time but was still a man after God's own heart. May we be found God seekers even in our imperfections. And Lord help me to show respect even when I feel like someone doesn't deserve it.