Nikki, Brie, JJ, Naked Selfies & Big Decisions
Nikki & Brie are hanging out with their cousins when they get an accidentally naked selfie text from their brother JJ that was intended for his wife Lauren -AWKWARD!
Nikki being Nikki can't resist showing his naked selfie to their cousins because she thinks it's funny!
JJ stops by Brie's house to help her with some stuff & Brie tells him that Nikki showed his naked selfie to all of their cousins. Needless to say, he was mad!
Nikki is shocked when she finds az Valentine she made for John a couple of years ago on her Instagram account! She immediately suspects that JJ did it to get back at her, but Brie confesses to doing it explaining that she wanted to teach Nikki a lesson.
Later, the Bella Twins are handed their new contracts and asked to return them signed in a few days.
Neither of the twins is certain that they're willing to commit to another three years in the WWE. When they meet up with a friend they haven't seen in a long time who is expecting a baby soon, Brie realizes that she really wants to have babies, now.
Nikki's agent has set up a bunch of meetings for her regarding new opportunities in the entertainment industry, Brie goes out to lunch with Bryan and lets him know she wants babies and he wants to too.
Nikki had met with one of the top casting directors in Los Angeles and while they would love to have her scheduling would mean she will have to choose between WWE & Acting there isn't time for both. Nikki meets up with John and mentions that she's uncertain about staying in the WWE for another three years. John tells her that he thinks there's more for her to achieve in life than just being a WWE Diva, go and do it, try!
Nikki has a match against Divas Champ AJ Lee. To distract AJ, Brie grabs the Diva and gives her a d kiss! Enough of a distraction that Nikki pulls off a win making her the new Divas Champion.
She starts having second thoughts about her contract because of the win.
When Brie and Nikki sit down with Mark Carrano to discuss their contracts, Brie explains that she really wants to start a family and have babies & Nikki mentions that all the entertainment opportunities she has. Mark asks if they are not going to be WWE Divas anymore they so no.
Is this truly happening? Are the Bella Twins really leaving WWE?
Is this truly happening? Are the Bella Twins really leaving WWE?
Paige Commitment/Boyfriend Issues

Bradley gets upset when Paige refers to him as her "friend with benefits" poor guy. Paige doesn't feel bad because he isn't exactly her boyfriend. Yelling she is single.
The Three Amigos are partying on a sunset cruise when Bradley surprises them by getting behind the mic and dedicating a song to Paige. Paige gives Bradley a kiss!
Bradley pulls Alicia aside asking why Paige is so hot and cold with him. He likes her but he doesn't know where she is. He talks with Paige and she tells him that all she wants to do is hook up with him. So he decides to leave. Paige has a moment with her Amigos talking about her past relationship and how she was really hurt.
Her Amigos make her realize that she needs to give Bradley a chance because if she keeps pushing guys away, she's going to end up alone.
She realizes she's been hard on Bradley so she finds him before he leaves and explains to him that she really likes him but is terrified of commitment because of her past hurt.
Bradley tells her "I'm not going anywhere."
Paige has a match and is excited because it's Bradley first time coming to watch her.
After the show, Paige spends some time with Bradley & decides to ask him if he wants to move in with her! He is reluctant but says yes but he really wants her to meet his Mom first. Mama Boy! Paige goes with Bradley to meet his mom and sister and it's not going great because Bradley hasn't mentioned moving in even when Paige was hinting and then Bradley's sister drops a bomb that Bradley was married once before! When questioned he says it was too soon in the relationship to tell her that..well if it's too soon to mention you were married perhaps, just perhaps it's too soon to move in together.
They have a fight over the secret that he had been keeping all the while she had been totally sharing her heart and everything. Bradley actually said he isn't ready to move in together! Paige decides that she's done and heads home.
Does this mean more commitment issues for Paige or will she and Bradley work this out?
Does this mean more commitment issues for Paige or will she and Bradley work this out?
Eva Marie & Johnathan Husbandger

Eva Marie is in the middle of a photo shoot for her hair tutorial & Jonathan's bossy attitude is driving her nuts. He's acting super strict and even made her friend cry!
In the middle of her photo shoot, Eva Marie gets a call from the WWE someone in their legal department saw pics of her photo shoot on Instagram & requested that she runs everything she does through them, otherwise she could get into some serious trouble!
When Eva Marie tells Jonathan that they need to shut the photo shoot down, he gets loses his mind and they start arguing. Jonathan wins and they have the photo shoot.
Back home, Eva Marie tries talking to Jonathan about how she is feeling and they get into a huge fight. She tells him that she doesn't know if she can handle him being both her husbanger.
Jonathan reminds Eva that she doesn't always treat him the best as a husband either. Eva Marie breaks down before Jonathan leaves.
Will these two work this out?
Will these two work this out?
Nattie & TJ Cat Grooming Gone Wrong
Nattie & TJ meet with Internet star Grumpy Cat & are totally excited. Nattie gets a selfie with Grumpy Cat & wonders if her cats would be able to make it in show business.
Nattie's mom comes by to drop off her cats, which she took to the groomer. Nattie is shocked when she sees their new haircuts!
How on earth will they be able to make it as show business with these haircuts?
THE CATS! I would be angry! It's like they went to cat grooming school to get discount cuts! @NatbyNature @KiddWWE #TotalDivas #WWE
— Michelle C-C (@MichelleCarmich) March 9, 2015
So that is a wrap for season 3, Total Divas will be back for Season 4 in July, looking forward to it!
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