Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My lucky 13 from WWE

When it comes to wrestling fans often the majority love or hate the same guys/gals. . .  Me I tend to look outside the box.  There is no rhyme or reason to what makes me decide you're on my list but once you're there it's difficult to get demoted.  Some I like because outside the ring they are someone I would sit down and chat about life with, some their attitude appeals to me, others are under dogs and I want to see them rise above the haters, some are Canadian and awesome, still others are just entertaining!  So here is my top 13 all time favorites. They probably aren't yours but that is part of their charm for me.
I love wrestling, I love a good match but those two things aren't the only things that matter to me... I love to be entertained by WWE Superstars so if you are entertaining two thumbs up!!!  



Chris Jericho


Wade Barrett

CM Punk


Michael Cole

Vickie Guerrero

Brad Maddox

AJ Lee

Stephanie McMahon

. . . and last but by no means least




  1. That is a solid list of entertainment. Surprising that CENA is not in there LOL . Are you not entertained? The five knuckle shuffle not working for you?

  2. Hey Charles I like them all Cena included he just didn't make my top 13 list.... :-D
