Sunday, April 21, 2013

Very Excited!

As I had mentioned a few blogs back... I joined a wrestling fan community on Google+.  

(Shirts are available I have the "I'm an FTW Podcast Girl" on the way)

So last week they approached me to be a moderator for the group. I accepted and in the process noticed they were looking for columnists I inquired and they accepted me!! So I will be writing for them I believe weekly. . . I'm very excited!!

Here is my first Column hope you enjoy!  :-) Check us out and join the community it's a lot of fun!  

Should WWE End Swagger vs Del Rio?

With Jack Swagger’s court date set, will WWE pull the plug on this storyline? And more importantly – should they?

SmackDown February 1, 2013 we saw the return of Jack Swagger. He came back from his time away with vengeance and was defeating everyone that was put in the ring with him.  I, for one, was delighted with this change. I wasn’t in love with Zeb, but their storyline has grown on me.
I know this is old news but it’s still relevant: On February 19th, following a SmackDown TV taping, Jack was arrested for driving under the influence, speeding, and possession of marijuana.  At that point I assumed that Jack’s push would officially be over! I am happy to say I was wrong. WWE issued a reporting saying basically what Jack does on his own time has nothing to do with WWE! And the push if anything appeared to get stronger!
He went on to begin a rivalry with Alberto Del Rio who had recently won the world heavyweight championship! Being a Mexican and not a real American fit perfectly into Jack’s new character. Jack went to WrestleMania 29 on April 7, 2013 and despite losing a hard fought match to Alberto Del Rio the rivalry did not end there but continued on after Mania!
We saw Jack and Zeb beat down Alberto Del Rio with crutches….it wasn’t pretty!  The post-Wrestlemania Monday Night Raw ultimately cost Alberto Del Rio the title to none other than The Show Off Dolph Ziggler who finally, finally, finally did I say finally came out and cashed in money in the bank and won the title. Jack and Alberto have been going at it and giving us non stop entertainment for months. Some love it, some hate it!  I for one am jumping up and down saying, “WAY TO GO WWE Creative!”
This week’s Smackdown did not disappoint! My favorite match of SmackDown April 19, 2013 was Jack & Alberto! They were totally vicious! Both men are very skilled and showed it last night! It was an awesome match! And to my surprise Alberto Del Rio beat Jack Swagger!
From what reports tell us Jack goes to court for the February incident in June. This is what I’m wondering …are we seeing the beginning of the end for Jack Swagger? Is the WWE beginning to wean us and after the June court date will he be wished well in his future endeavors never to be seen again? I’m hoping that this isn’t the case! I hope that after all this time in the spotlight that Jack Swagger doesn’t just disappear!  I really think he has come a long way and has potential to draw the crowds!  But what if he does leave? Will the rivalry torch be passed to Ziggler now that he holds the title that Alberto wants back?  If it was passed to Ziggler would we care?  Would the rivalry hold the same punch?  I don’t think it would.  Politically incorrect or not…”Real Americans” seems to be working right now!
What do you think?

About Michelle

"I'm the one in the crowd that can't grow facial hair and I'm really glad about that! I love writing and wrestling so here I am! "

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