Monday, April 6, 2015

Words Of Wisdom For The Day

So as I sit here this morning reading scripture it dawns on me it really doesn't have to be that hard.  
I find as Westerners we tend to take something simple and make it hard like if it's hard it makes us more spiritual to believe it.  
Here is the simple truth I got from Proverbs 6
First off Be Careful What You Say

Proverbs 6:2 You are trapped by the words of your own mouth, caught by your own promise.
Simply ~Be careful what you promise it can get you in trouble!  Keeping promises is always harder than making them.~

Often we tend to think we have to earn our way into God's good graces by how we appear before others.
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us some simple things God hates in our nature and I'm thinking if we work on these things we will have an in with Him.  

There are six things that the LORD hates, even seven that are disgusting to him: 

Arrogant eyes, we are all human none better than the other.  Regardless of our social status, color, sexual orientation we were all created equal. "That judger really makes me want to love God," said nobody ever! 

A lying tongue, Nobody likes a liar so don't be one.  Honesty is the best policy unless you're being honest to be cruel. Giving too much information that isn't asked for may be the truth but if it's mean it's an unnecessary truth.  

Hands that kill innocent people,
 well that doesn't need explaining.  -Don't be killing people.

A mind devising wicked plans, Don't be that guy who comes up with evil plans to get back at someone or to "fix" what is wrong in the world.  Here's a truth: the earth is pretty old, there has been a lot of good and evil happen on this planet and your scheme isn't going to rid the world of all that is wrong even if it's just your own personal corner. 

Feet that are quick to do wrong,
 Don't be an "I'm in" type of person.   If you have that feeling it's wrong chances are good it is and don't be quick to embrace the wrong.  

A dishonest witness spitting out lies, Don't lie about people to get them in trouble or yourself out of trouble. 

And last but not least 

A person who spreads conflict among relatives. Oh, don't tell me someone in your family didn't pop into your head as soon as you read that statement.  Don't live to gossip about your family. Don't be a pot stirrer! Don't live in competition with your family and constant turmoil.  These are your forever people. They should be the last people you want to be in conflict with. 

Let's jump to The New Testament 

John 13:34 I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you.

Luke 10:27 . . ." 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself.'"

So it sounds pretty simple. Don't be a jerk and love people how you want to be loved.  Don't worry about the actions of others; be worried about how you act.  

Oh and just a reminder it's not just about being good and being nice and loving people it's also about truly loving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all your mind.  Loving him as he loves us.

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