Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Websters-Oppression-unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power, a sense of being weighed down in body or mind.

Daniel: How can a church or a youth group grow if you don't want to include other teens? Cliques in churches should be nonexistent.

Me: This is a VERY important truth! - Cliques in churches should be nonexistent.

Daniel: too many people have this "Holier than thou" outlook on things. But God loves equally, why can't we understand that aspect?

Me: because unfortunately humans often have God issues! They think they are Him!

Daniel: I just don't get what scripture their beliefs are from! It surely wasn't my Bible that singled out some better than others!

Me: They tend to misinterpret scripture to make themselves appear wiser & better then others. It's hard for control freaks with low self esteem not to fall into I'm a believer & better then you category. Which, is so far from the heart of God it must crush Him! To have his children sick with entitlement, sad! Scripturally it's very opposite the upside down kingdom where the 1st will be last & the last will be 1st!
I tend to rant about injustice MY BAD!

Daniel: No, you're totally right. The church is to be a shelter for the broken. Not so sure that's always the case!

Me: Personally for me not the case! When I was broken I was avoided like a disease! If I was unable to separate God and his love from his people and their lack of love I would have turned and never looked back.

Daniel: Sometimes people just aren't so great.

So, yeah this is a conversation I was having on twitter yesterday with Daniel Leavitt. As a whole I have to say believers (me included) suck bad at representing the heart of God.

I tend to get CRAZY and rant and rant and rant about people who believe and treat others as less or with disrespect because I feel that isn’t what God’s about. He created us all equal. So I in turn am found guilty of judging the judgers…..does that make me any better than the judgers –no, probably not. So I’ll leave you with this….

Don't judge others. God likes variety and we've all got our own little brand of "strangeness."

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