Friday, March 2, 2012

Yeah, Yeah I KNOW!

So somewhere in the back of the bible there is this verse…well to be exact it’s in James 4:17 it’s one of those verses you hate when you don’t want to be obedient! I know, I know there has never been a believer who was disobedient who prefer to stay in the disobedience because well it was easier. Anyway the verse goes like this… Whoever knows what is right but doesn’t do it is sinning! The context of the verse is basically James is reminding Christians to show by the way they live that they are believers of Jesus. Real faith leads to learning to avoid fights, resisting temptation, and controlling our tongues. So in Chapter 4 he is talking about not fighting with each other, not slandering each other and not bragging about your plans for the future. In that he basically is saying the future is the Lord’s and we should trust Him for the future and only carry out the plans that are pleasing to Him. So when we choose not to go that route and we know better then we are sinning! BOO! James why did you have to be so darn smart. Why couldn’t you just let us live content in our disobedience even in my hard human heart I know the answer…there is a better way! With obedience comes great blessings even if it doesn’t seem easy at first! -JUST SAYING!


  1. Thanks , We All Need a reminder and sometimes a event or happening just to get us thinking correctly sometimes , Life's Lesson's Make us All who we Become in Christ's Plans if we follow and Trust Him Amen God Bless

  2. Michelle Carmichael I have never preached a sermon that I didn't totally need myself! This is not an exception!!! Oh and it's short and sweet and to the point!

    Angela May thanks for reminding me /us !!!!!

    Michelle Carmichael I know right!
