Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good Bye 2013

With 2013 closing we have another year of opportunity to be the best we can be & make the changes we want to see in our world.

Reflecting back on 2013

  • Spiritually Speaking – Brad and I have been going to Penobsquis Baptist Church, and loving it. We volunteer in the Sunday School department. Along with that I am presently sitting on the Christian Education Board and get to be involved in a lot of great things for the kids at PBC. I recently have been given the opportunity to do a Facebook page for the church and LOVE doing it. If you would like to check out some of the sermons go to http://penobsquis.com/  I also had the opportunity to do a few weddings and a baby dedication this year.  
  • About Our Family – We had a big change this year in that we moved from our apartment that I've been in since October, 2009 to our new home. We rented our home October & November and officially became home owners December, 2013. Not the most clever of a move if you don't want to be broke for Christmas! That said we accomplished it and Santa found everyone so it's all good.  Brad and I have been married just over a year now! 2013 brought with it another pet, Charlotte The Rabbit making our home a 2 pet home.  Charlotte the Rabbit and Sophia The Cat.  
  • Work, Work, Work – Lot's of changes for me this year at work. Still the same job but different. I had the opportunity to add onto my list of tasks Transition to Kindergarten Coordinator. Which made for a very busy fall. We are continuing to grow and change and it will look different again in the New Year. All I know for sure is I love the kids, I love the pay raise and I love my Monday to Friday job. Now I wish I could say the same for Brad. He works four jobs none stop all hours. Which sucks for everyone but mostly him. My New Year prayer one job for Mr. Clark. Let's not forget Josiah who has became a member of the work force this year and is gainfully employed at McDonalds WAY TO GO!
  • Wrestling and Writing – This year brought with it a fantastic opportunity to write a wrestling column for Fans Talk Wrestling as well as moderate a Google + Community “WWE and TNA Fans.” My favorite writing of the year was my interview with Sir Arda Ocal...thanks again for being willing Arda, you're the best! http://www.fanstalkwrestling.com/opinions/an-interview-with-arda-ocal-from-aftermath-tv Here's hoping there will be lots more writing in the year to come. While on the topic of wrestling I'll just say the event of 2013 happened on Raw Dec 30 Daniel Bryan became part of The Wyatt Family! I so knew it was happening I've said it from the beginning. (They all look the same Team Beard . . . Birds of a feather) I'm excited to see what happens in 2014 #Follow The Buzzards! Whoop Whoop.
  • Trending in our home – Brooklynn: Cheerleading, Clothes, Chatting on her iPod with friends, NEWBERRY Dolls, Rainbow Looms & generally all things crafty & girly. Jonathan: Adventure Time, Minecraft, Sims, Xbox, ignoring everyone who messages him and drawing. Josiah: Working, Xbox (Call of Duty Ghost), Driving & Girlfriend: Katelyn. Brad: Work, Work and more Work, figuring out his new iPhone, wrestling, twitter & of course spending time with his wonderful wife! Me: All things Social Media, writing, volunteering, working, loving my family and friends & attempting to live life to it's fullest.
  • Honorable Mentions -Congratulations to family that got married this year! Sam and Jeff & Courtney and Kyle! Thank you Shelley for the honor of doing Jenessa's Baby Dedication! I love my besties, Rhonda, Sam & Shelley! To all my family & friends you are a blessing and I'm so glad to have you in my life!
  • Prayer Requests – Chelsea McAllister (Katelyn's little sister) Age 16 was diagnosed with lymphoma this year and has gone through 2 rounds of treatment, keep her in prayer for strength and full recovery. For my Dad who has been battling cancer for the last 5-6 years and is just tired. He has treatments every 2 weeks pray for strength through the journey. For all our family and friends that they will be blessed and that they will live life to it's full potential.

Comic Strip of The Year 

Some added thoughts via Facebook:

May your 2014 be your best year yet!  

Check out my wrestling thoughts at  http://www.fanstalkwrestling.com/author/michelle

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