Wednesday, April 9, 2014

FTW Remembers Ultimate Warrior

There is a collective sadness in The Pro Wrestling Community today as we grieve the loss of The Ultimate Warrior.

Here are some thoughts from Kyle a fellow writer at FTW (click link below)

I much like Kyle, don’t have a lot of personal experience with watching Ultimate Warrior wrestle but oddly felt the loss hit me this morning as I read the news I began to cry. 
I believe part of what makes the loss so real to me is his recent spotlight. Inducted into WWE Hall of Fame on Sunday, DVD release the same day he passes.  It almost seems like the scene we often see when the sick or dying hold on until they see that last loved one and say their goodbyes.  It was like Warrior said his final goodbyes to his loved fans and left this world. 

My husband, who has been a fan since he was in diapers, had this to say about Warrior “He was a larger than life character whose nonsensical promos were made interesting due to his intensity and conviction in delivery.  He fit the SuperHero model of the late 80s early 90s do to his impressive physical appearance.  He was one of the last enigmas to hail from ‘Parts Unknown.’"

And then there is Punk, I watched an interview back in January where he spoke about WWE, MMA, Brock Lesnar and his desire to be the one to induct Warrior into The Hall of Fame because on some levels these two greats have a lot in common.  Punk “He’s like me we don’t like anyone and everyone who worked with him talked shit about him.”  Punk mentioned he and Warrior had a type of kinship where Warrior texts or direct message him sending inspirational messages randomly before big shows and he paid attention and was a pretty RAD guy.

So today we come together as a community to grieve the loss of someone great.  And in a small way this grief has reminded me of the sadness I feel about the loss of Punk at WWE as well.

RIP Warrior you will be missed!  

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