Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Total Divas Is Back S3E1

Season 3 opens with Eva Marie and her husband Jonathan going to a photo shoot. They recently eloped, but have decided they would like a traditional ceremony and are having their photos taken for their save the date cards. In Eva Marie style they are a bit risque ok maybe a lot risque .  

The Bella Twins are out and Nikki reveals. John recently asked her that if he marries her will she let the kid thing go? Brie thinks it is a trap and John is trying to pacify her with marriage, but no kids. Brie tells her she should freeze her eggs, so that if she winds up 40 and alone after John won’t have kids with her, she still has a chance to have a family.  To be honest this side of Brie surprised me, I didn't realize she was so opinionated but Nikki and John’s relationship. 

Later Brie and Nikki head out to dinner with Bryan and their brother and his girlfriend. The topic of babies comes up, and they all have baby fever. Nikki announces that she is going to freeze her eggs in case it doesn’t work out with her and John. She says that she isn’t going to tell John about the surgery until after the fact. Bryan volunteers to donate sperm, but Brie says that would be too weird.  Be careful creative just might jump on that for a storyline.
This season brings with it new comer to Total Divas is Rosa Mendez returning after some time in rehab.  The other Divas aren’t exactly thrilled to have Rosa around. Nattie gets deemed the babysitter and has been requested to take Rosa under her wing.   Of course Nattie lets Rosa know she was asked to keep an eye on her. Rosa is determined to not let everyone down but she is emotional and a bit wild.

Eva and Jonathan arrive at her parents’ house. They sit down with her parents and her brother and announce that they are going to have a real wedding ceremony; her Dad can’t wait to walk her down the aisle. Eva shows them the pictures from their photo shoot, and her parents think that it is a joke. Her brother tells her to be “classy, not trashy.” Her mom argues that she can’t show them to her grandchildren.

Nicole and Brie head to the fertility clinic for Nicole’s consultation. They sit down with the doctor to discuss freezing her eggs. Brie fully supports her and wants to make sure her sister is covered in case one day she wakes up and decides that she wants to have children. The doctor informs Nicole that she can’t drink, smoke, have sex or wrestle ten days before they harvest her eggs.

Eva and Jonathan sit down to discuss their wedding, her family is very traditional Catholic and Jonathan is not.  Her parents are not happy that Eva’s wedding won’t be at the Catholic Church so they try to convince Jonathan to convert but that’s not an option.
Day three of Nikki’s period and a nurse is headed to her house to draw her blood so that they can freeze her eggs. Nikki had totally forgotten and the nurse shows up and she has to sneak her in the back door while John is distracted with an interior decorator and has her blood drawn. She manages to get the nurse in and out with John noticing . . . we all know that only bad will come of this, right?
Eva and her mom head out to get breakfast with Jonathan her mom casually drops a bomb on Eva that her dad is getting chemo shots because his colon cancer came back and now it has spread throughout his body. Eva is shocked and had no idea there was anything wrong with her dad. Eva is upset that her family hid her dad’s health problems from her.

Nikki and Brie head to the fertility clinic so that Nikki can have an ultrasound and the doctor can see how healthy her ovaries are. The doctor shows Nikki all of her eggs/potential babies. They give Nikki her medication for the harvesting process and tell her she has to pick a ten day time period that she won’t drink, have sex, or wrestle.

Eva sits down with Jonathan, and tells him now that she knows how sick her dad is she wants to have a Catholic wedding to make him happy. Jonathan has no intention of converting regardless of how sick her Dad is. She cries that she wants to do this for her dad, but Jonathan says he can’t compromise his faith.  Eva heads outside to talk to her dad where he is gardening, and promises him she will do whatever she can to change Jonathan’s mind so they can have a Catholic wedding.

Rosa and Nattie head to Smackdown and Rosa is panicking about her first night back in the ring since rehab. She overhears some of the other wrestlers making fun of her and is a crying emotional mess by the time she heads out to wrestle Nattie. Nattie pins her within minutes and she is forced to tap out. Afterwards Nattie reassures her that she did okay, but Rosa cries and thinks she sucked. Nattie gives Rosa a pep talk, and tells her not to worry about what the girls think and she will just have to prove everyone wrong.

We close with John finding Nikki’s fertility medicine and of course he wants to know “what the hell it is?”

Not a bad premiere lots of drama to come.  I’m also hoping we will see more matches with our back stage pass in weeks to come.  

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