Monday, March 15, 2010

About Phone Calls And Texting…..

Most of my family and friends have my phone number and I theirs. I call and text regularly, most of the time. Sometimes I’m over tired from work, fighting with the kids to do their homework & clean up their mess or have a tooth ache, maybe a sinus cold or the poops (NOBODY QUESTIONS THE POOPS) or maybe all these symptoms at once (which may have been the case these last 2 weeks)!!! Maybe I’m just a little down and don’t feel like always being the one who initiates the conversations. Maybe I would like to know you are thinking of me. Or that you remember my phone number. What I find annoying is when people tell you off for not calling or texting… your fingers broke? Have you lost your contact list? Have you forgotten that your phone can make out going calls??? You don’t have a texting plan anymore? Just something to think about the next time you question someone why they haven’t called or texted you.


  1. That's right girl all communications lines go two ways and people need to remember that.


  2. I never stopped thinking about you.......
