Sunday, May 1, 2011

EMO Seven & GOTH

So Brooklynn just turned 7 on the 14th of April. A few weeks before her birthday she tells us while eating dinner I would like to get some black lipstick, black nail polish and when I’m old enough some of that black stuff for your eyes….I’m like; “oh really, ok we’ll see when you are old enough.” All the while assuming that by the time I think she is old enough for that black stuff you put on your eyes she will no longer be interested in the black stuff for her eyes. So her birthday comes we do nails she chose purple glitter nail polish PERFECT there was no choice of black mind you. Then just last week we are sitting down to dinner ( I don’t know it may be my cooking) she says when I’m old enough I want to get a ring in my eyebrow. I immediately remind her how much it hurt to just get her ears done (you could hear her all over Shoppers) her eyebrow would hurt WAY more. HMPH then I’ll get my nose pierced, again I say that will hurt too. Another HMPH and then she says I’ll get my tongue pierced. Well I told her that’s the worst!!!! Your tongue swells and it could be a bad scene not to mention the ring will do damage to the enamel on your teeth. Oh and you know what else I want to get she says; You know those big disks people put in their ears I want to get them. How on earth does she even know that people call them disks (or stretchers). I make a face and she laughs her head off. Now I would like to add that her favourite outfits revolve around her grey skinny jeans and grey Hannah Montana t shirt or her black pants or any other black clothes she has. She also tells me she either wants black hair, pink hair or red hair. And not the calm black, pink or red the wild kind! Oh and a butterfly tattoo like the hairdresser has on her wrist. ….Ya I wear lots of black not because I’m Goth or EMO but because I assume it’s thinning. (exercise and healthy eating works better then black clothes I know I’m trying) I have no face piercing and with my job I’m told that I’m not allowed any SHOCK piercing which face qualifies as SHOCK so I won’t be getting any anytime soon. So in grade 1 where does she come up with this. I don’t know your guess is as good as mine!!! I know some of you are giggling at me think haha Michelle you are in for it!!! She is going to give you a run for your money when she’s a teenager. I say stop laughing, it’s not funny! I like purple glitter and I even like some of the above mentioned things she is talking about getting. However I sometimes think some of these things hold you back when it’s time to look for a job. Bottom line we say that if you have the brains and ability you can be whatever you want but I’m here to say right or wrong that’s not always the truth. You could be the best qualified for the job and not get it because of your SHOCK value. I would love to sit here and say our society has advanced to a place where everyone is treated equal and it doesn’t matter what you do to your face, your hair, your body you’ll still only be judged on your abilities. It’s not the case society judges you if you’re too fat, too skinny, too beautiful, too ugly, too short and on and on it goes. So while it’s all good that my seven year old wants all this when she is old enough some will be allowed if she is actually still interested when she‘s allowed at 35 JUST KIDDING teenagers get to make choices in my house…hair grows out nail polish comes off. But when she is old enough I want her to be able to have any job she wants because she is a freaking brilliant little girl who can do anything!!! She forgets nothing and she is in grade 1 and can read anything. She already knows 100% of grade two sight words and if she comes in the computer room while I’m writing a blog she says; Mommy, what are you writing?” the proceeds to read it not matter what the words. So I know she will do well in life, do I care how she decides to look when she’s 17 not really, she will always be beautiful! My biggest desires for her is to be happy, to love and be loved and do something she loves and have faith that can move mountains. The other stuff is just details. Thought you guys would enjoy hearing about her trying to do the whole SHOCK value thing on Mommy at seven. Love you Brook! xo I think she is just testing me....we read this book "I love you stinky face." where the child asks his Mommy if she would still love him if he was various things (including a skunk thus the name). In the book Mommy's love never fails. I think Brooklynn just wants to make sure no matter what she does I'm still going to be here and I hope she knows I am!!!

1 comment:

  1. #
    Robena Clark
    If that's all she does is talk about things like that she'll be fine. You're doing a great job. Always communicate and talk about whatever they need to. Ask Brad about the shaved head and the pierced ear. A Pastor once told me we only infue...nce our children up to a certain age, so while we can we need to set good examples and influence them as much as we can. Can't you tell it really worked with our children.ha, ha. Love, mum C.

    Michelle Carmichael I've seen picture with mullet like hair but none of the bald is beautiful head but he speaks of it fondly!!! lol
