Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today I’m feeling human…

I ate out last night and I don’t know if it was the food or I just might be coming down with something. I had a light head & waves of sickness coming over me. I don’t know how else to describe it. My body was weak. I just felt and still feel blah….not to mention I have some better left unsaid noises coming from both ends of me. Beyond the physical blah and noise I have some emotional blah and noise going on internally too. Most days I rise above the crap heap of life and my past. Today isn’t one of those days. Today is a day where I feel drained from it all. Where I feel weak and not strong enough to push myself to be Perky Pants Michelle. To go about business as usual and be the strong one, that never allows life to stink her up!!! I laugh even when I write this because I know it’s just a fleeting stink and not what I’m all about. I’ll wake up tomorrow and be fine again. Psalm 30:5 talks about crying lasting for a night but joy comes in the morning. I’m going to paraphrase it and say; “I might feel blah and have some stinky noise coming from me today but tomorrow I’ll have my joy back and be Perky Pants Michelle again. Here’s the deal sometimes we can be stinky, noisy and feel blah with no strength, but that’s not who we are. The key to get past the blah moment is to remember most days we aren’t stinky most days we press on fighting the good fight! So when you feel stinky remember it won’t last forever!!!

1 comment:

  1. Faith Floyd likes this..

    Rhonda Oxford Miller HUGS

    Brenda Moffett Just remember God loves us warts and all.

    Curtis Close ‎=)

    Robena Lloyd Clark It's okay to feel stinky. I've had a lot of days like that lately, but as they say in AA: this to shall pass.
