Friday, March 16, 2012

Where's the birdies

So the sun is pouring across my desk I love it when that happens!!! Just last week I thought spring arrived then we had a couple of days of winter again! Freezing Rain and snow! Boo! (Probably because of that time change – stupid spring ahead) However today the sun is out and the weather man says it’s going to be a good weekend! I like that! It’s funny what triggers your memories…every beginning of spring I think of a man I used to go to Bible College with. He was a good man who had a realistic approach to Christianity that was engaging to others. Not the type of Christian that makes you want to run the other way at all. Anyway he always used to say this little poem:

Spring has sprung,
The grass has rised,
I wonder where the birdies is?

Tremendously bad English my editors would be disgraced (you know who you are). Anyway he graduated with me, Pastored a local church for awhile and was a blessing to many lives. He’s been gone for awhile now fought the good fight but lost to cancer. While he is greatly missed here by family and friends I’m sure he is enjoy his new home in glory. I often think of him and how he was true and real and how he would say that poem often. Oh and how he thought a banana was the best fruit ever because it came in its very own carrying case that was always easy to open. So today, as I think of spring, I’m also thinking of my class mate and friends Ed McCormick You were a blessing and blessed many! May those you have left behind take your hands on approach to Christianity and be encouraged by your legacy!


  1. Michelle Carmichael I considered mentioning the red long johns, gun wielding, weasel incident but I didn't think it appropriate! I have already said too much! One question though Sarah McCormick do you remember that??? You sleep like a rock! -just saying!

    JoshDarlene McCormick Haha i remember that hahaha

    Michelle Carmichael Who takes a gun to a middle of the night weasel catching incident! lol

    JoshDarlene McCormick Games the rednecks play hahaha

    Michelle Carmichael Bhahaha there could be a book you know!!! I am so no a rodent fan!

    Sarah McCormick Of course I remember...I just don't remember sleeping through the event!! It might have taken me a bit longer than you to discover there was a large rodent running around the room...but once I did...I was wide awake!! Thanks for the sweet things you said about Dad Michelle!! He was pretty great wasn't he!!!! ♥

    Michelle Carmichael Sarah I was sleeping in the same bed as you and I was like, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah and hitting you and you were SLEEPING!!! I'm like Sarah there is something in the room and yes once you finally woke you were on board with the hysteria which worked out well for me misery loves company!!! We waited for a truck to pass by to jump from the bed to the hall. lol And ya your dad was pretty darn great! ♥ HUGS

    Michelle Carmichael I could hear it knocking things off the dresser which made me think it was a bear or at least a raccoon!
    6 hours ago · Like
    Michelle Carmichael I billion years later and I'm still hysterical even talking about it....then your dad well shot it!!! lol And I can still see those red evil eyes! CREEPY!

    Sarah McCormick Lol!! I remember waiting for the truck to go by...and Dad shooting it...and its evil red eyes!! It was CREEPY!!! But...a very funny memory we have to share :)

    Michelle Carmichael Im not going to lie I've told that story a time or two!!!

    1. Never a dull mmoment in the McCormick household when Ed was around but then again it is still that way , just ask my blind neighbor who got called to the rodent rescue at this Pastor McCormick's house last Friday night.
      I am amazed you remembered things so clearly Michelle. It was quite a sight wasn't it. I am sure Carol remembers the time she was at the house and there was a flu fire.She was quite the slugger , ask Lori.Then James and Robbie would have a few to tell.They got to see the real Mickey Mouse in action.Yes he was the real deal!! Thanks for the memories.

  2. I've been told I have an elephants memory Nancy! It works for and against me and others at times. A rodent rescue that so would not be up my alley!!!! Yes I'm sure there is lots of stories to be told! Lots of good memories! xo

  3. Very well written Michelle. I am often reminded of the little things dad would say and do. That weasel incident was one of my favorite memories in that old house. Thanks for the reminder. Take Care!!! Jay

    1. Yes and if I remember correctly Jay you were all oh you two are just dramatic there's nothing in there go back to sleep! Your tune changed pretty quick when you actually seen it! Your eyes got as big as saucers and you quickly closed the bedroom door and was like: "Ya there is something in there!!" EPIC!!! You had rodent fear on your face too, it wasn't just the dramatic girls! lol
