Sunday, February 15, 2009

About boys and girls.....

I know I sound like I’m stating the obvious, but boys and girls are different! Are you surprised? This is a video clip of Jonathan and Brooklynn singing; “Twinkle, twinkle little star.” It starts off well, and then you see the little glint in Jonathan’s eye, “let’s spice it up!” He proceeds to do just that. Then Brooklynn being the princess she is gives him the “DEATH GLARE” and then continues to sing, in hopes that nobody noticed she had a moment where she had to correct her brother. It just doesn’t stop with siblings though….girls have a tendency to want to make boys behave! We want them to do things our way, which of course in our mind is the right way!!!! Boys of course just want to have a party and not abide by the girl's behavior code….I think this continues through out life! I say if you can’t beat um, join um, let’s have a party! Cheers!

Even now they still kind of look the same. . .

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