Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blog VS Life……

Well, I have been busy the last few days and haven’t been able to blog.
Wanna know the truth it drives me that I haven’t blogged since the 15th. Life got in the way of my creative writing. I’ve become absolutely, positively obsessed with blogging.
It’s fun, I get to rant and rave and to say what I want about whatever I want and that is that! However I really do jest when I say life got in the way! I love life, family and friends. ************************************************
Tuesday night I had a friend sleep over…it’s been a really long time since I had a slumber party.
My friend Shelley (who’s mother is younger then I) came to have a movie night. I’m not totally the calling card. I introduced her to my nephew Eric and well he is a bit of a calling card as well. {But I know she loves me the MOST}
We watched 3 movies, well we all watched 2 movies and she watched 21/2 and I watched 3.
The last one Junno which I had never seen I had to stay up till 4 to watch. LOVED IT! Cried at the end. Not sure where the tears came from perhaps PMS. Anyway the guys weren’t interested in such a movie and went to bed.
Shelley had seen it before so only lasted half way through the movie at such a late hour or early depending on how you look at it.
Shelley was also very popular with my daughter Brooky. She asked before she arrived…do you think she will like to play with Pollys? I had my doubts but told her that she would have to ask her herself. When she arrived she immediately brought her to her room closed the door and had her playing with Barbie fairies and the like!
The following morning they played with make up dolls as well. They have made plans to have another date where they are to wear their princess dresses and have a tea party.

Josiah was excited for her to arrive as well. I told him she liked to play video games, well he just about stroked out…then we need to get some better games so she will play them with us!!!!!!! LOL He being the typical 11year old showed off for her all the evening.
Jonathan being a typical 8 year old boy who is in the presence of the opposite sex tossed a few insults to let her know he liked her!
Dean of course showed off for her too, I’m not sure what I think of that! (JUST KIDDING, just stop dreaming already) It’s all good! All in all Shelley was a big hit at our house.
Our door is open anytime for her to come again!
Oh, I didn’t mention myself - it’s a given Shelley’s my girl…Love ya, baby!
Had a great time with you at my house!
I was off Thursday but had a day where I accomplished nothing…well not nothing but close to it!
I managed to get a few text messages in which is another new obsession for me…speaking of my cell phone I also bought one of those mini cards for my phone to download some music. I tried tonight to accomplish the download without success…..ah well, I will get it eventually! Also, when I picked up Eric from work we got to go and bring a coffee to Shelley at work and she took her smoke break with us. It was a nice close to the evening.
I worked 8-4 today and again tomorrow.
Saturday I have an exam at 9am at the college and then I have to be back home and back out town for work from 4-12.
I know you probably don’t believe it but my work is the best! It’s so fun! I have a great time with the kids and my co-workers. I wouldn’t trade my job for the world.
So I guess there will be days when my writing ceases so to enjoy the moments of life which inevitably stirs me to turn on the computer and tell you about my wonderful journey….

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