Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kudos To Chris Jericho: Accomplished and Putting People Over

Kudos To Chris Jericho: Accomplished and Putting People Over


Chris Jericho debuted at WWE in August 1999, 14 short years ago at the age of 29. The Rock debuted at WWE 3 years prior at the Survivor Series November, 1996 at age 24. Both of these men have given us countless hours of entertainment. I looked up some YouTube clips of Chris when he first arrived on the scene. The Pebbles hair kills me every time, I sit and giggle at the sight of it! (on a side note I haven’t seen a wrestler with a hair cut that I wasn’t pleased they got it).
The two clips I’ve seen were of him and The Rock.
These two have similar stage presence, they are both very witty and charismatic. If WWE had an episode of “Who’s Line is it anyway” I would definitely want both Jericho and The Rock to participate.
While both are accomplished within the WWE both have success outside of wrestling as well, Jericho being the lead singer for the rock band Fozzy and The Rock becoming an accomplished actor in Hollywood.
I always get a kick out of these two, be it The Rock singing about Vicki or Chris mocking Fandango’s name, they are good at what they do. In the ring as wrestlers they are fantastic.
That said at this stage in their careers as WWE Entertainers I would have to assume the best thing they could do for WWE is help the new guys be “put over.” So this is where the similarities of Chris Jericho and The Rock stop.
The Rock is still attempting to be on the top and beat every candy ass he can with that size 13 boot!  While Chris is losing to Fandango and letting Ryback beat him down. It pleases me greatly that he willingly has rivalries with these new guys!
While I admire both of these men and I’m a fan of both I have to say Chris Jericho gets it. He is actually doing what good wrestlers should do. Make a path for those coming behind him.
So this week my blog is a tribute to the American born Canadian Chris Jericho – kudos for being the man!!!

About Michelle

"I'm the one in the crowd that can't grow facial hair and I'm really glad about that! I love writing and wrestling so here I am! "

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