Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Feed Me Heel – Why A Heel Ryback Is A Good

Feed Me Heel – Why A Heel Ryback Is A Good 


So when Ryan Reeves had returned from his injury as “Ryback” I seriously had forgotten about Skip Sheffield. I wasn’t a fan of “Skip” in Nexus he just seemed like a big oaf.  White cowboy hats are wrong on everyone let alone this huge killer of  a wrestler it just didn’t seem to fit! When Ryback arrived on the scene initially I was like “where did they get this guy and can they please make him go away!!!” As mentioned having forgot he once was Skippy!  My biggest dislike was when he was squashing the no names from whatever town WWE happened to be in.  I mocked him relentlessly on Twitter for the first few months…then one day I made a switch. I don’t know what made me decide to change,  I just thought hey he isn’t so bad after all, I guess I should give him a chance. Back in early April I watched Sam Roberts interview him and it was a fantastic interview which sealed the deal for me! I was officially a Ryback fan!
Recently we’ve seen a rivalry growing between Ryback and John Cena. Ryback explaining that he is stepping out of Cena’s shadow and paying him back for not having his back when he was attacked by The Shield. WWE seems to be pushing Ryback as a heel big time and people are quickly tiring of it!!!  I even heard someone refer to him is “cryback” which is very clever -Nug Nahrgang.  Personally though I don’t know why people aren’t liking it!  I’m very much enjoying it. I think the bigger the heel he becomes the better it will be for him and for his rivalry with John Cena. Ultimately better for us the fans.  I say FEED ME MORE! I want more of “cryback” I want to see the biggest, meanest, despicable heel come out of this!  Personally I think he can do it, he has great potential!
It would make for an exciting Extreme Rules 2013 wouldn’t it?  If Cena’s Achilles injury doesn’t take him out wouldn’t it be fun to see Ryback take him out?? I think it would be an amazing breakthrough for Ryback!
I know the heel of the year award won’t come overnight but I hope it continues to develop!
Isn’t that what wrestling is about? Shouldn’t we be excited about heels?   Loving to hate them?  I find that unfortunately right now there seems to be too many faces and not enough heels in the WWE!  So why not, let’s have a full fledged, man eating heel!

About Michelle

"I'm the one in the crowd that can't grow facial hair and I'm really glad about that! I love writing and wrestling so here I am! "

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