Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reflecting God. . . .Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

I had a small Sunday School class today. Just two children one boy and one girl and my 15 year old son Josiah who came to help me! We were talking about Luke Chapter 4 Verse 18... “The Spirit of the Lord is with me, He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. . .” We talked about how cool and awesome Jesus is and that he has made a difference in our lives. Then I asked who was it that told them about Jesus and how good he was and all 3 said their Moms and their Mom's prayed with them when they asked Jesus into their hearts. So I reminded them that just as Jesus anointed their Moms to tell them about Him he can also anoint them to tell others about how cool and awesome he is. I know religion often gives Jesus a bad name but I would like to think us Mom's who teach The Word to our children, pray with them & show them love make an eternal difference. That we are a reflection of God to our children. That we show unconditional love even when our children mess up or disobey we are always there to love them. Correct them yes and love them.
So we did some Mother's Day crafts for Mom too and Josiah joined in.  I love getting Mother's Day crafts and it's pretty awesome that my 15 year old is still willing to make them.  

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