Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Eat Pray Love

This will not be a new concept you are hearing from me:  it is something I've said before and probably will say again. We are more than just flesh and blood walking about this universe in hopes of finding a magical key that makes life what it truly is meant to be.

Over the last month and a half I have been trying to watch Eat Pray Love on Netflix and in the last 2 days I accomplished it! Woo Hoo! Julia Roberts stars in it. In the movie world it's a relatively older movie being out for 3 years but this was the first opportunity I've given myself to watch it. (I'm busy you know!!!) It's a movie about searching and finding in my mind. Basically it's this woman writer who recently divorced and then jumped into dating and decided she needed to get off that cycle and find herself again. Don't lose me here guys it's not going to be a plug for chick flicks or a review on the movie. It just kind of inspired me to sit and think....

My key thoughts. . .

It is a gift from God to be able to eat and drink and experience the good that comes from every kind of hard work.

1.Guy or Gal we all need to eat. 
In this day and age we often see extremes in the eating department. Either we aren't eating enough or we are eating way too much. (insert the eating disorder of your choice here)
The honest truth we should enjoy our food! We should be able to sit down and savor the meal put before us. That said we should know when enough is enough. We should know what a healthy portion is and stick to that. Should we deprive ourselves from the pleasure of food, no I don't think so. On the flip side of that very same token we shouldn't decide that food is so good we shall eat our portion and 5 other people's portions.
If we look at it closely I believe our lack of eating or over eating is sometimes directly related to what is going on with our Pray part and our Love part of ourselves. We over eat because we want to fill up the spiritual and emotional hunger in our lives or we stop eating in attempt to starve those areas out so they will no longer bother us.

I would just like to say there is better choices. We can learn to enjoy every day, we can learn to enjoy what we eat but not use it as a coping mechanism. I know some will hate this blog and take it personal but really it's the truth as I see it about us as humans so just keep reading.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, . . .

2.Guy or Gal we all need to pray. 
If you like it or not we all have this void inside us that longs to be connected to a higher power. Don't take my word for it, look around you. Everyone is searching and desiring that something that is going to give inner peace. That thing that is going to fill the void that we often attempt to ignore. That desire we often try to hide because if people knew we had it then they would call us foolish right?? I can tell you from my own personal experience that praying and reading scripture and meditating on the Lord fills that void. It makes you stronger and more complete than you would think possible. I shudder at the thought of emptiness inside me if I didn't have that. Oh yes, I would still smile and have “fun” but without the God connection I would be spiritually crushed. An empty version of myself so to speak. Not so many years ago I was there and it wasn't fun or pretty.

John 15:12
Love each other as I have loved you. This is what I'm commanding you to do.

3.Guy or Gal we all need to love. 
To love and be loved is a huge part of us as humans and without that element in our lives we are incomplete. I'm not just talking roses and chocolates on Valentine's Day. I'm talking about that kind of love you have from anyone be it a spouse, family or friends that you know that no matter what they have your back and that you always have somewhere to fall when you need it. Likewise you need to have those that you give that exact same type of love to!! You can't just fill up and not pour out as well.
We know the type that don't have or give that type of love. They are train wrecks leaving causalities behind them wherever they go.

I believe if we have the last two in place (Pray & Love) the first one (Eat) will follow. So why not give it a try...do the eat, pray, love thing for 30 days daily and document how it goes. See if there is a change in your attitude, in your outlook, in your habits . . .you never know it just might change your life!  

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