Thursday, May 23, 2013

Christian WWE or TNA

Christian Needs To Return To TNA


Do you agree with this statement?

Christian Would Be Better Utilized in TNA.

For me: I must concur with that statement!  He is yet another amazing talent that was hired and forgotten by WWE and WWE Universe.
I personally have only begun watching wrestling again since the end of 2009 beginning of 2010 with my now husband Brad. Previously I watched as a child in the days of Andre the Giant (My Mom’s Favorite), The Iron Sheik and the like. So I sort of came into watching again with fresh eyes. My favorite to watch for the most part is WWE. That said we often watched TNA as well. At the time Christian was making his journey from TNA to WWE. From what I had saw of him in TNA you could tell he was well loved.  I saw him weekly on TNA then the switch to WWE happened and I’ve barely seen him since.
We have seen Christian hold various titles within both WWE & TNA. Between the two companies He has won a total of 22 championships. They include being a six time world champion, two time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, two time ECW Champion, and two time World Heavyweight Champion, as well as a WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, a WWF Hardcore Champion, a WWF European Champion, four time WWF/E Intercontinental Champion, and a nine-time World Tag Team Champion. In addition to these Christian is the twenty-third Triple Crown Champion and the eleventh Grand Slam Champion in WWE history. That’s a lot of success for one man so WHOOP WHOOP Christian!  With that success you would assume that WWE would want to package him in his return in such a way as to reflect all he has done! Nope, didn’t happen!
I looked up on Youtube February 20, 2011 where Christian made his return from injury at the Elimination Chamber saving his pal, Edge from an attack by Alberto Del Rio. The clip I saw lasted 30 seconds, the commentary on his return was average and the crowd was moderately pleased to see him! A couple of moths later Christian won a 20 man Battle Royal thus securing his spot at Extreme Rules to face Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship. At the pay per-view, Christian defeated Del Rio to win the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. Making him the first man to have held the NWA, ECW and World Heavyweight Championships,as well as the third man to ever be world champion of both the NWA and WWE, after Buddy Rogers and Ric Flair. Then five days later Christian lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton and gained a whine. It would appear that WWE gave with one hand and took with the other. While offering him a gimmick of a whine bag! Oh the injustice! We just never really saw from “Christian” at WWE what we saw from “Christian Cage” at TNA and in my opinion that is not due to his lack of ability or stage presence but more due to his lack of promotion from WWE. There doesn't appear to be a crazed Christian fan base at WWE.
Mid 2012 Christian took leave from WWE due to a shoulder injury. (Which by all accounts is healed yet no TV time as of yet for Christian).
Now let’s talk TNA Slammiversary and Christians visit…there is absolutely no comparison to the return. I watched a 5min 50sec Youtube clip of this and the fans were out of their minds! He wasn’t even wrestling!!! There was massive standing ovations, chanting welcome back, please come back and general fan hysteria! Now back to the previous mentioned bleacher report and I have to say not only are the fans giddy about Christian Cage but so also is The President of TNA Dixie Carter! Who would she most like see return to TNA none other than Christian Cage himself! Talking about Christian being family and always welcome. I truly don’t believe he will ever get that kind of “LOVE” from WWE or WWE Universe.  How do you go from being one of the best loved wrestlers in one organization to one of the many misused, forgotten talents in another.  It was like WWE was putting him in his place for being so darn popular at TNA.  Let’s knock this guy down a peg or two and see if he is still so loved.
Bottom line, would Christian Be Better Utilized in TNA in my opinion a thousand times YES!!

About Michelle

"I'm the one in the crowd that can't grow facial hair and I'm really glad about that! I love writing and wrestling so here I am! "

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