Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who do you think are the top 5 misused talents of WWE???

Top 5 Most Misused WWE Talents

When it comes to fans of wrestling and WWE I would have to say we are some of the most opinionated and vocal crowd around! Those who are our favorites we shout about them from the rooftops and likewise those we hate they are hated well. I also noted that we all, like in politics, have an opinion on how it all should be run! And if we ran things it would be different! So when asked several fans gave me an opinion on who was a misused talent in the WWE some of the answers were: Zack Ryder, Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston, Primetime Players, The Divas, Santino Marella, Cody Rhodes, Tyson Kidd and even, in my husband’s opinion, John Cena is misused in that he has always been a face and he should have been given the opportunity to be a heel.
Here are my top 5 in no specific order of misuse:

Dolph Ziggler

Since his debut back in 2005 we have seen Dolph Ziggler go through less than ideal gimmicks, be sent back to developmental twice and overall he has been used as a jobber. He first had Vicki hanging off his arm & teaming up with Jack Swagger and now AJ Lee along with Big E.
He has had some great matches and was The Intercontinental and World Heavyweight Champion, 2009 -2011, The United States Champion 2011-2012 & Mr. Money in the Bank and World Heavyweight Champion 2012-present.
Obviously talented but not really taken seriously or pushed. Why? Pure speculation on our parts but for some reason the powers that be must wonder if he is good for business... will he sell PPVs, will he sell merchandise, will people want to pay to see him live. We have seen Dolph as a cocky show off maybe it’s time that he becomes a babyface. Back in April 2011, we saw short brown hair from him for a few weeks, I was delighted thinking we are seeing “THE” change. Maybe it’s time for a babyface makeover. So why not give him a good guy push, maybe that is just what he needs to make it to the next level!!!

Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett arrived on the scene in June 2010 after winning the first season of NXT and Monday Night Raw was introduced to The Nexus!
Wade Barrett clearly stood out as leader of the pack! He was impressive and commanding! A good wrestler, a good leader & a good speaker! He came across as a “big deal” and destined to become a main eventer. His dislocated elbow caused him to miss WrestleMania 28 and due to the extent of the injury Wade was out and there was no longer that push!!! When the Barrett Barrage arrived back on the scene with him came hopes of bone-crushing matches and Wade rising to the top! Nope, unfortunately, we haven’t seen that happen since his return. He has had more losses than wins since his return and hasn’t had an engaging feud at all. I feel like WWE has entirely missed the boat with him. He is one of the most talented heels in WWE. Give him a push as the “Bare Knuckle Brawler” it just may be what he needs to become an established star! He is a Main Eventer so let’s make him one! He shone as a ruthless heel & leader of the pack in both Nexus and the Corre, don’t leave him as a mid-carder, it’s a waste of talent.

Cody Rhodes

Cody, the son of Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes made his WWE television debut in July 2007. He has had some really tough gimmicks, Legacy where he played third wheel to Ted DiBiase Jr & Randy Orton, Dashing Cody Rhodes, The disfigured, disgusting mask wearing heel and on and on…. now he’s Mr. Moustache sporting his “Lovestache!” To quote a fellow FTW podcast writer: Chris “Cody is dying a slow, agonizing death due to a case of gimmick-itis!” It’s obvious Cody has talent and WWE knows it but they just can’t figure out what to do with him, partially the problem lies, in my opinion, with his dad. Dusty is currently working for WWE as a commissioner of NXT so some may cry foul if Cody gets the push he deserves because he is only getting it because he’s Dusty’s son. While Cody is a great asset to WWE I really believe he can only stay irrelevant for so long before dying of the previously mentioned “gimmick-itis.” The best thing the WWE can do for Cody is forgetting who his dad is, give him a good gimmick and push him to the main event!

Titus O Neil

Titus O’Neil a former football player was at NXT from 2010-2012 and now is in a tag team with Darren young (2012-present). John Laurinaitis placed O’Neil and Young together making them the “Prime Time Players” worth “Millions of Dollars.” When that happened I so saw the potential for an awesome tag team that would take WWE by storm but they fizzled out and weren’t given a hard push. The strong man of the tag team, in my opinion, is O’Neil. He is a hard-hitting athlete that probably has the ability to dominate in the WWE. His alter ego “Rufus Pancake Patterson” arrived on the scene and was hilarious! What WWE can do for Titus O’Neil is make him a singles wrestler and start putting him against other wrestlers that matter. He has the potential to make a match worth watching! He is great on the mic, he has a fantastic personality and can wrestle, give him a push!!

Drew McIntyre

He debuted in 2009 against R-Truth and quickly dominated the roster, beating his opponents in under five minutes! Dubbed by Vince McMahon, himself, as “The Chosen One” hand picked by Vince how could he fail? It appeared that he would become World Champ sooner than later! I officially call him “The Forgotten One” now! I don’t know if it was his time away from television due to his work visa but something changed. His last time to shine was Wrestlemania 28 where he gained control for John Laurinaitis of both Raw & Smackdown. Forward to now, he is officially a member of 3MB a wrestling Rock Band!!! It’s a joke, the worst faction ever created by WWE and it baffles me why he is part of it. He had something, he is a solid heel, he has looks, in-ring ability and can use a mic that’s a win in my books! Make him a singles wrestler again, find him a gimmick that works, he has the potential to be the bad boy who generates sympathy for the boring mid-card faces right now. He still has it, he can still be a star, let’s hope WWE figures that out before it’s too late.

My list could be longer than 5 since there is a lot of talent at WWE that should be pushed but hasn’t been. Who would you like to see pushed to the front at WWE?

About Michelle

"I'm the one in the crowd that can't grow facial hair and I'm really glad about that! I love writing and wrestling so here I am! "

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