Tuesday, February 19, 2013

To spit or not to spit that is the question...

As disgusting habits go I find spitting to be one of those habits that are high on the disgusting list! Now add to that spitting on another human AND in their face that is just many levels of wrong!

So I watched a PPV Sunday Night and basically knew the out come of the match would be The Rock wins! However I very much would have liked to have seen CM PUNK win! (The Rock is officially on The Road To Wrestle Mania)

Now I’m going to be one of those writers who start telling you something and then go backwards and tell you something that happened leading up to the event…

When CM Punk Best in the World came out in October we bought it! I wasn't originally a huge CM Punk fan but as I followed him on twitter I couldn't help but like him. The Best in the world DVD set sealed the deal!

This is the first WWE release devoted to Punk, who assured fans that he had creative control over the project and that it would not be your typical WWE documentary. The documentary Runs 109 minutes, this is easily one of the best WWE documentaries ever, if not the best! In general, it's just completely different from most WWE documentaries. Punk's backyard and independent wrestling days are covered extensively with footage from IWA Mid-South and Ring of Honor. (Quoted from Bleacher Report)

Basically I cried during it and deemed it to be the best CHICK FLICK I've seen in awhile! It totally sold me on wanting CM Punk to rise to the top!

Now back to the situation at hand! Rock vs. CM Punk Sunday Night PPV!!! CM Punk spits in The Rock’s face!!! JUST WRONG! I hated it now I’m on the fence. Which ultimately is what the creative team at WWE wants but WHY, WHY, WHY!

So I may have ranted about it on Tout and Twitter…here is my discussion with Jimmy Korderas former WWE Ref. who now does AFTERMATH TV with Arda Ocal.

My FAIL from #EliminationChamber was THE Spit!!! Please agree with me guys spitting in someone's is face wrong! @arda_ocal @jimmykorderas (These guys are from AFTERMATH TV, The Score)
Jimmy Korderas @jimmykorderas I get your point. But, in the context of the story, I see why he did it. He's a villain. Not condoning it tho.
Me: I concur I get selling The Villain but do anything else underhanded BE A JERK but don't spit in someone's face!
Jimmy: "It's an old school tactic. Used to happen a lot.”
Me: -Yes I seen some old matches where it happened & it sent me ranting!
Jimmy: Again, not condoning it but if 2 grown men agree to it, its 1 of 100 things ppl can get upset about!
Me: Yes and it works! Effectively making fans crazy and sympathetic!!
Me: to The Rock @TheRock Kudos to you for taking being spit on!! I couldn't handle it!!

The bottom line is I hate spitting and when it’s on someone else that’s even worse. I get it’s a tactic but I strongly dislike it! It’s just not classy! I know who ever said wrestling was classy....but hey, can't a girl dream!


  1. I followed a link you left on Google + to the post, and just wanted to say that it was a great read! While spitting is completely gross, Punk does whatever he can to generate heel heat (as I'm sure you know), and I chalk it up to that. I wouldn't doubt that Rocky okay'ed it beforehand either! Anyway, I love your site and will be back often to check it out! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks so much for leaving a comment Ray!!! People often read but never leave feedback so it's nice when someone does!

    Considering this past Monday Night Raw I guess the spitting was no biggy people are WAY more wild about him interrupting The Undertakers tribute to Paul Bearer!

    All the heat aside I would love to see Punk win at WrestleMania - True Story!

  3. Wow, dont come with me cycling cause its spit spit spit all day long. You have to. You dont want to swallow the dirt and bugs that fly in your mouth. Plus lots of phlemn builds up which is hard to swallow. usually I rinse out my mouth if its not wet already before I drink from my water bottle.

    I know that not really your point.

    Spitting on someone is the ultimate sign of contempt for another person. If the WWE could pee on a fallen victim I am sure the heels would do that too.

    Punk should win at WM but its up to Mark. Is he really tired enough to be done with wrestling and does he think Punk is the man to pass the torch too? I hope so. I would the dawning of the age os smaller guys in bigger roles. The smaller men can do more technical stuff in the ring this creating better stories. While the lumbering oafs can only have hard to watch squash matches. Like the BIG SHOW or the Great KHALI. Undertaker was one of those rare big guys who could actually move around and do some amazing stuff. But not every big guy is suitable to be anything more than a giant. Vince's concept of "Land of the Giants" is old and needs to be retired for the new era of reality TV. This reality TV concept means that people, normal people, can identify with the stars because they are the stars. Not to many of us are 6'5'' 300 lbs of rippling muscle but a couple of us are 6 ft and a trim 180. Nothing says we could not jump in and run with the "BIG DOGS." That is the new age of television. Where chip eating beer drinking moms and dads sit on the couch and say to themselves "I could do that if I wanted to!"

    You just cant identify with someone almost seven feet tall.

  4. Ok first off if there was a bug in my mouth I would spit too! lol

    and this. . . Punk should win at WM but its up to Mark. Is he really tired enough to be done with wrestling and does he think Punk is the man to pass the torch too? I hope so. I totally agree I hope so too it's time! I my mind last year showed it was time!

    and the Great KHALI has to be the most awkward man in the ring! He creeps me out! He just appears very fragile!

    Finally thanks so much for commenting I love when people comment!
