Thursday, August 29, 2013


No matter if we are in church every time the doors are open or for occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Weddings and Funerals or somewhere in between the chances are we have probably all heard or read Psalm 23 before. I can't even count the amount of times I've heard it and read it over the years. I remember when I was a young teen and first started attending church we would always read in Old English, King James Version and the first verse always tripped me up...The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want! I can remember thinking why don't you want the Lord David that just doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the Psalm. It was quite the day when I had my AH HA moment and realized that it meant I'm not in need! Wisdom and Understand was bestowed onto me! Now today I was reading a Max Lucado daily devotion book “Grace For The Moment Volume 2” and had another AH HA moment. Not that the six verses are so hard to understand. . .

Psalm 23

A psalm by David

The Lord is my shepherd.
I am never in need.
He makes me like down in green pastures.
He leads me beside peaceful waters.
He renews my soul.
He guides me along the path of righteousness
for the sake of his name.
Even though I walk through the dark valley of death,
because you are with me, I fear no harm.
Your rod and your staff give me courage.
You prepare a banquet for me while my enemies watch. You anoint my head with oil.
My cup overflows.
Certainly, goodness and mercy will stay close to me all the days of my life.
And I will remain in the Lord's house for days without end.

Let's talk about our cups overflowing. This is something I didn't know but apparently an overflowing cup was a powerful symbol in David's day. Hosts in the ancient East used it to send a message to the guest. As long as the cup was kept full, the guest knew he was welcome. But when the cup sat empty the host was hinting that the hour was late. On those occasions, however, when the host really enjoyed the company of the person, he filled the cup to overflowing. He didn't stop when the wine reached the rim; he kept pouring until the liquid ran over the edge of the cup and down on the table.
Doesn't that put it in perspective for you? I'm more of a tea drinker than a wine drinker. When my closest friends come we 95% of the time sit in the kitchen and the kettle goes on and often doesn't just go on the once. I love to see my friends come and I want to treat them while they are here, be it drink, or dinner, or treats and I always like to keep it coming.

Likewise God wants us to hang out with be his close friend. And as we do that he will be filling our cup over and over to overflowing with joy, peace and grace and all that good stuff!

How much more does God like to treat us?
We have a place at God's table in his kitchen. I place to come chat and enjoy all the blessings he has for us. Scripture tells us in his presence is fullness of joy, that's where I want to be.  Doesn't it sound relaxing and rejuvenating!   

On a side note I think we have the opportunity to bless people also. . .  the next time a friend comes over I just might fill their cup to overflowing!  

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