Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Total Divas S3 E5

Cameron – Family Trouble
Eva meets up with Cameron for lunch to catch up since she went back to NXT. While they are eating Cameron gets a phone call from her mom. Cameron’s little brother Quinton is 15 and out of control, he keeps skipping school and running away. Cameron agrees to come home to and try to talk some sense into him.
Cameron and Vinnie visit her mom Tammy and she says that she doesn’t know where Quinton is and she owns her own hair salon so she can’t just lock up and go look for him. She tells them a few places where he might be hanging out, and they head out to find him.
They find Quinton sitting on the curb with a group of kids drinking, she freaks out and smashes the bottle and tells him that he is going to give their mom a heart attack dealing with him.
He laughs in her face and says that she is being over-dramatic. What is a 15 year old supposed to say in front of his friends?  They head back home and Tammy comes home from work for a family meeting. While Cameron and their mom lecture him about hanging out with the wrong crowd, he laughs at them and gets up and goes in his room.
Cameron and Vinnie have decided to scare Quinton straight and take him to meet a group of ex-gang members who work with at risk teens. A guy named Tattoo screams in Quinton’s face that he isn’t going to make it on the streets; Quinton appears to be moved by the speech.  Later he apologies to his Mom and sister and says he is going to try harder.   

Daniel Bryan – Surgery or No Surgery that is the question
Brie picks Bryan up from rehab for his shoulder surgery, then she takes him to acupuncture, which he is certain is going to make him heal faster.
At work Nikki corners Brie about Bryan’s surgery and what is going on with him. Nikki and John are afraid that Bryan is just getting worse because he isn’t getting the surgery he needs and trying to heal himself with acupuncture. Nikki tries to talk some sense in to her sister, because she is scared that Brie is the only one bringing any money in to their house.
Brie and Bryan head out to lunch and Brie is concerned because Bryan starts wincing and is in obvious pain and he can’t pick up her fork. He rushes her through eating and asks for the check because he wants to leave.
Brie tells Bryan she is concerned about his arm. She convinces him to see a real doctor because she knows that it isn’t getting any better. He goes to see the WWE’s official doctor Chris, Brie is hoping that they will be able to get some answers about the pain in his hand. The doctor thinks that he is going to need another surgery to fix his arm, and is going to check with the other doctors to see what they think.
Bryan comes back to the ring and explain to the thousands of fans in attendance that he isn’t returning yet and has had another setback. He promises them that he will come back eventually a win the title again.
Bryan tells Brie that he can’t lift anything that weighs over five pounds over his head. Brie argues that he needs to get the surgery, but he insists that the surgery isn’t going to happen. Brie and Bryan head out to lunch with her mom. They fill her in on his latest health woes, and that Bryan doesn’t want to go under the knife again. She reminds them that Steve Jobs went holistic, and if he hadn’t he would still be with us. Bryan argues that he wants everyone to be more understanding of his choices

Eva Marie –Guns 
Eva picks Jonathan up from the gym and he tells her that he heard from one of the guys at the gym there was a home invasion and the owner was shot in robbed. Jonathan thinks they should get a gun to protect themselves at home, but Eva doesn’t think that is a good idea. He wants her to go to a shooting range and just shoot a gun before she decides whether they can have a gun in their house.
Jonathan’s sure once Eva shoots a gun, she will want one at home. The instructor heads out to the range and helps Eva target practice. Jonathan tells the instructor that Eva is trying to decide which one she wants to buy.
Eva returns home and finds a gun. She freaks out on Jonathan and tells him that she wants it out of her house, he argues that it is just to protect them.
In the break room Eva tells Nattie, Jon, and Trinity about Jonathan buying a gun and bringing it home. Nattie thinks Jonathan totally disrespected Eva, and now that they are a couple and officially married they are supposed to be making major decisions like this together.
Eva and Jonathan head out to dinner she mentions the gun issue. She refuses to be one of those wives that just sit back and let their husband run the show. He apologizes to her, and says that he didn’t think that it was going to be such a big deal.

Rosa – Glorious Boobs
Rosa goes to a photo shoot in an ity bity ripped up jean shirt on with her “girls” hanging out.  The photographer is laughing telling her she needs to put them away.  She of course can’t so she is attempting to keep them under control during the shoot….I’m sure there will be lots more boobs to come.
That’s a wrap for this week.

Stay tune for next week to see if our pals TJ and Nattie get romantic.  

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