Thursday, February 26, 2009

S is for: Snow, School and Schedules

So this week has dumped yet more snow in my yard. Rumour has it that it will continue to dump this weekend. I know it’s snow season but I can’t help feel like I’m living in an igloo. I feel like I should trade in my pot roast for seal blubber and make a fur coat, grow some facial hair (well maybe I should leave the facial hair to Dean). Now about the snow removal process; I’m grateful that I have someone to do my driveway but he for some reason can not get around my deck so the snow as you will see is becoming mountains around my house. Is that not a flooded basement waiting to happen??? I’ve never had a flooded basement but I feel as if we are testing fate this year. I may have to make the boys shovel next week for March break fun and festivities. Let’s have a family bonding moment and shovel the snow away from the house. Well I’m not going to say too much more about the snow other then I’m ready for spring! I’m ready to see the sloppy, muddy driveways, the tulips peaking up through the earth to let us know we will see new growth again, and the sun beaming down to make us feel all warm and cozy inside.

So Brooklynn started pre-kindergarten yesterday. Had a fantastic time. She is only there from 12:30pm-3pm. When I arrived back for her at 3pm she asked me why I came back so soon. My one concern is will she wake up sick today??? She found a cute little girl to hang with immediately. However, unlike myself she didn’t notice the little girls nose running and her licking it. Yes, school and colds I’m very excited that I now officially have 3 of them getting all kinds of bugs! (hoping you realize that’s sarcasm). Well the day went very well and when bed time came she came running out of her room saying; “Mommy, Mommy, I HAVE BIG PROBLEMS, I took my ponies out and my hair stayed the same. (ponies still appeared in even without the elastics) I had to giggle. How cute is she with her BIG PROBLEMS, speaking of hair and big problems. Yesterday I was going to trim her bangs before school and discovered some were shorter then the other. I let it go and trimmed a bit and we went on our way. On the drive to school I casually mentioned, some of your bangs are shorter then the others Brooklynn did anyone cut your hair. Immediately she said you, then I told her well yes I did but there is some that are shorter that I didn’t cut…she’s quick she blamed it on her uncle who lives 3 houses up the road. She says; “maybe Uncle Lawrence did it he’s always trying to play tricks on me.” Now years ago when Dean was 5 or under he cut Lawrence’s daughter’s hair off at the pony tail so I could see Lawrence wanting revenge but it’s been a long time coming wouldn’t you think? Over 35 years….so I’m thinking that maybe Uncle Lawrence is officially a scapegoat. Putting the element of doubt in my mind! Who knows, we went and got them trimmed professionally after school and all is good, not perfect but good!

Now about schedules and school. Josiah is 11 and Jonathan 8 you would think after several years of the same routine day after day after day they just might get it. The just might get up, get going and doing their thing in the morning without prompts. You know the type, or at least I hope you do and I’m not alone in the world of crazy morning madness! Get up, I said get up, get your clothes on, let the dog out, did you let the dog out, can you let the dog out, what do you mean you can’t find your clothes I put clothes in your room last night. Eat your breakfast, come on eat your breakfast, look at the clock you are going to be late, stop playing with your breakfast, eat it will you! Go brush your teeth and wash your hands and face. Did you wash your face, how come you can put gel in your hair and forget to wash your face go back and wash your face. Get your jacket on, where is your snow pants, where is your hat and gloves did you leave them at Grandma’s house? On the bus? Well they are not in your bag, hurry up you are going to miss the bus and I’m not going to drive you. Ok give me a hug, love you - have a good day!!! Does anyone else have mornings like this??? Please say yes! Later days, till next rant!

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