Saturday, August 8, 2009

Still a Mini-Van Hater

Most if not all of you realize that I have been a long term mini-van hater. I don’t know there is nothing I can think of that I ever said positive about mini-vans. I LOVE my jeep it doesn’t matter if my husband tries to say it’s his it really is MINE!! The V8 Vroom Vroom, The (16 year old male) cherry bomb muffler, the sun roof, the controls for the stereo on the back of the wheel, the beautiful shade of black with gold leather interior….I could go on but this is about mini-vans. In the spring May-ish we began the hunt for a second jeep that being said Dean couldn’t find the exact one he wanted for the price he wanted that would hold the crew (us 5 + Eric) which makes 6. So then he started looking at Mini-Van. I was officially wondering….Does he want a divorce he should just ask instead of looking at mini-vans! J/K. Anyway long story short I caved. We are not so proud owners of a fancy black, grey interior, tinted windows, yada, yada, ya, mini-van. Now the first time I drove it I actually, I kid you not, got queasy. I wanted to keep my head down as I did the drive of shame! But we all know one should not keep their head down while driving that could cause an accident! Several months later my stomach has settled and though I have settled into the fact that we are mini-van owners I still love the jeep and hate the min-van!

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