Friday, December 11, 2009

Merry Christmas from my house to yours!

This was a year of change for my clan! Some good some bad but in the end, we are still smiling and still growing so all is good!
Let’s start with me; I turned 40 this year, didn’t mind a bit. I actually like my cougar status! I graduated from my Human Service Course, and continue to work at my job for CYS. I can honestly say this has been the best job I’ve ever had and I truly love it. Some days are hard, but it’s very rewarding as well.
After 14 years of being together, Dean and I have separated. Not an easy choice for sure but the best for both of us. Hopefully, God willing in time we will both heal from all of the things we are choosing to leave behind. So that makes me single! Some days I’m ok with the single thing and some days it really sucks! I’m such a people person that being alone is not a simple thing for me. I’m the love and be loved type, which complicates life right about now. However, I need to learn to be content in what ever circumstance I find myself and I’m working on that!
Enough about me, on the kiddies!
Josiah, now 12 is in grad 7. He is taller then his Momma, which I don’t like but have to live with. He is between 125-130 in his weight and wearing a mans 30/30 in jeans. He is loving school and all the girls! He is a social butterfly it is safe to say.
His favourite things to do is; text, FB and games. He loves living in town and so close to his cousins, he and Bradley can be found daily going to one house or the other to do something!
Jonathan, is 9 as of this month and in grade 3. He is maturing like crazy this year. It delights me to know end that I no longer have to fight and struggle with him when homework time comes along. He is growing as well he now takes a boys size 5 in his shoes which equals mommy’s size 7 in ladies. So when I told him I could wear his new sneakers because they fit me perfect, he was delighted! He has taken a great interest in soccer at school. Loves it! He also enjoys anything to do with army and Lego! His favourite video game on the computer is Command and Conqueror!
Brooklynn, now 5 is in Kindergarten and loving it!!! I can not believe she has gone off to school on me this year. I still think she is 2! Her love is still all things girly, Bratz, Barbie’s, Poly Pocket’s and of course she shares her brothers love of Lego! She is very, very social in school. I’m amazed when picking her up that she knows everyone by name, that would not be just her class I might add! She is doing well with her learning and she makes me proud. She is quite the little entertainer, and loves to show off for anyone that will give her audience. Which basically is everyone she comes in contact with! She has personality plus.
I am so proud of all three of my children they are adjusting to life’s changes so well. I couldn’t find better children anywhere.
To all my family and friends thank you for your support this year as always. You have been my strength and shoulder to lean on in times of change!
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love & Blessings Always;
Michelle, Josiah, Jonathan & Brooklynn

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