Friday, December 11, 2009

Hoping for Unexpected Blessings

So you may or may not have noticed that I took somewhat of a break from writing in my blog. I don’t know something about separating in September made me have a bit of writers block. Oh, not that I couldn’t of ranted relentlessly and voiced all my injustices bestowed on me in the last 14 years. But really who would that benefit? Would it really help me heal or would it just bring on more pain when everyone started “chatting” about it. I would like to think I’m taking the high road and staying sweet through it all. Also I am endeavoring not to point the finger because in my mind we both are at fault. I guess the whole “he who is without sin cast the first stone” thing could apply to us. I just feel that we are better people apart. It was no fun living under the same roof with each other. It was honestly time to move on. Was it an easy choice, 14yrs, 3 children, Christian, Minister, need I go on….no it wasn’t an easy choice it’s a choice I should of made sooner but because of the hardness of the choice I stayed. Now my only hope and prayer is that through it all we will both grow as individuals as importantly parents. We need to be the best us we can be to bring up our children. So even though it’s a struggle I am still getting up and making it through. Here’s hoping and praying that out of the pain will come great unexpected blessings.

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