Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Getting back into it. . .

Getting back into it…..

After my separation and divorce it took me a while to want to do anything Ministerial wise but in the last year that has changed.

My friends actually pushed me toward getting Re-ordained so I could do their weddings.

First Shelley had asked me then Sarah had asked…so I went to work at getting my license once again.

As humans we often feel unworthy because of our mistakes, or our sins or circumstances to do what we feel God is calling us to do.

I read a CS Lewis quote this morning on Twitter (Brad’s favorite Social Media –sense the sarcasm) but back to the quote…it touched my heart… “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable to you.” It spoke volumes to me because in that I realized yes God has forgiven me for a ton of dumb stuff and it’s gone - like it never happened but I don’t think I’ve even forgiven myself. I feel as if just maybe I judge myself and put limits on me regularly that I don’t expect anyone else to live up to. So my AHA moment was that I’m some what of a religious person toward myself. Even in my unworthiness God called me and gave me a task to do but in my religious self I chose to deem myself unworthy of performing such tasks…..

So I can tell you in my “sabbatical” God never left me or never stopped call me.

So I am gradually stepping back into the role I’ve always been called to do…Minister to the Masses! So I’m not the most conventional Minister out there. Female Ministers aren’t overly popular anyway add divorced and getting remarried and I’m sure people aren’t going to be pounding down my door to come to me for help or ask me to speak for them…that said I am doing things and I am loving it…The bottom line is I've been through a lot made a wrong turn once or twice but in that it has helped me with me empathy and compassion towards others with struggles.

I got to do my friends Sarah & Jason’s wedding last September 17, 2011.
I filled in for a Pastor two Sundays in a row last month.
I did Jonathan & Katie Pascoe’s wedding last weekend July 21, 2012.
And I get to do another friends wedding next month. Shelley & Nate Aug 11, 2012…
I’m getting remarried in October would like to do that wedding if I could but you know Minister and Bride seems I little crazy. So we are getting our friend Joel to do the wedding. (The control freak in me may of did up the ceremony and gave it to Joel though!) Then next fall I have our cousin's wedding Courtney and Kyle. :-)

Sarah & Jason Sept. 17, 2011

Jonathan & Katie July 21, 2012

Nathan & Shelley August 11, 2012

(Oh by the way I promise to coordinate with your wedding, I'm big on that!!!)

So if you are ever looking for a “tell it like it is” no frills type of preacher I’m your girl. I can promise you that I’m meet you where you are I tend only to judge myself. I’m available for: Spiritual Guidance, Weddings, Funerals, Baby Dedications and Speaking Engagements…just ask.

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