Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Intense Desire to Kiss a Boy

So as you know Brooklynn is in pre-school and her class is made up of many girls and one boy, Liam. Liam is the son of one of the guys I indirectly work with he has clients that we have had and have in our group home yada, yada, ya. Anyhow, I got home from work last Monday and my husband mentioned in passing Josiah said Brooklynn told him she was running after Liam in class today trying to kiss him. I’m like OH GREAT. Dean then says (Mr let’s stick our head in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen) maybe she was just joking when she told Josiah. LOL RIGHT DEAN, she was joking. Not likely!!! So the next morning I questioned her. Were you chasing Liam around trying to kiss him???? Her reply; “not today” right you aren’t tricking me with that answer!!! So then I rephrased did you chase him around at school and try to kiss him. Defensively, I received a yes. Now I told her that she wasn’t allowed to chase boys to kiss them under any circumstance!!! That she was only allowed to kiss her mommy and daddy end of story. At least till she has 20 years added to that 4 now who’s head is in the sand??? However I’ve got to thinking…how many of us want to kiss someone so bad that we would chase them around the room just to get a kiss. By no means am I promoting going and chasing random people around to kiss them…but can you remember the last time you had such an intense desire to kiss someone that you did something crazy like chase them around a room? Till next time, Kiss, Kiss!

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