Thursday, March 19, 2009

Whine Bags!

Ya so anyway…I have this saying that I’m found saying more often then not. It’s usually taken out when my kids begin to whine about all the injustice in their lives I tell them to stop being “whine bags.” Well today I was helping Miss Molly (AKA Brooklynn) to clean her room. Sarcastically I say to her; “Oh look at all my stuff I love so much and take care of so well.” which she responded; “oh, Mommy stop being such a whine bag, silly!” Ooops!!! So I’m thinking 2 thoughts right now, that was really funny and what are you doing saying it!!!! You see while I can get away with it someone who is less then a month away from 5 can’t really pull it off without someone thinking she is a saucy little thing that needs to be taught manners. So I guess I need to curve what I say to her and her big brothers. Maybe there is another term for a whine bag that I could more appropriately use….any thoughts?

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