Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Hit And Miss Of Spring

The weather has been fanflippingtasktic the last week here in New Brunswick several days hitting high 20s and low 30s. That being said I can’t say I was always prepared. I never listen to the weather. Unlike my mother who listens to the news and weather at least 10 times a day. I should start resorting to calling her before I get dressed in the morning. “Hey weather lady, what’s the word? How should I dress today?” I just have a tendency to assume what the weather is going to be. And we all know where assume gets us….ANYHOW, It started on the 25th I was working days and well I dressed like spring just not warm spring and regretted it. Sunday came and I thought I’ll fix you weather I’ll be prepared off to work I went sporting my capris and summery top. PERFECT! So Monday morning came along and I thought why the heck not capris they were PERFECT yesterday day. Well, it would be safe to say I darn near froze Monday. So Tuesday I was not going to have the same thing happen again. I like to be warm…BUT NOT SWELTERING! Which I was in my jeans and black top. Good grief. So Wednesday I tried the capris again with my very summery top and wait for it… a hoody to help out encase of cold. Brilliant! However as to not allow myself to be totally sensible in my attire I wore my new wedge heel sandals. They are very cute…but not that cute when you are walking forty minutes with a client for exercise. Now I have blisters on my baby toes. I don’t know the exact point to this rant…it could be that we should listen to the weather or it could be that looking good hurts at least it hurts my baby toes. All I can say is I love spring, I love the heat, I love dressing in colours and not being weighed down with a ton of layers. Summer is just around the corner. I can’t wait! Till next rant…girls get out your capris, guys get your man capris out and don’t forget to listen to the weather.

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