Friday, June 6, 2014

WWE NXT 06/05/14

Tonight we are in Winter Park, Florida and are announcers are Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and William Regal.
Hyper Mojo says that when he gets knocked down, he gets back up.  Aiden English comes out and he serenades Mojo and calls him a sideshow folly. He sings that Mojo let down the USA.
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Mojo Rawley vs. Aiden English

We end with Rawley with a boot and then he pushes English out of the corner. Rawley with a running shoulder tackle and then he throws English into the turnbuckles and then hitting a leaping butt bump and Hyperdrive for the three count.

I think I’m starting to enjoy Mojo Rawley I really enjoyed this match.

Winner: Mojo Rawley

Tyson Kidd is frustrated over his loss to Adrian Neville. We see Tyson walk off the Fallout Show set after Takeover.  Devin Taylor asks Nattie about Takeover and Tyson’s behavior. Nattie says that she was proud of her husband and she says that she will always have his back.

Bayley vs. Charlotte (with Sasha Banks)

NXT Universe is so excited to see Bayley.  We see a strong  match between these two Divas.  Both  Bayley and Charlotte are impressive.

At the close we see Charlotte getting distracted while Summer hugs Sasha. Bayley tries for a backslide but Charlotte rolls through and kicks Bayley in the knees before hitting Bow Down to the Queen for the three count.

Winner: Charlotte

When the match is over Summer joins Sasha and Charlotte in the ring and they attack Bayley. Paige and Emma come to Bayley’s rescue and Charlotte, Sasha, and Summer leave the ring.

Tag Team Match, Tye Dillinger & Jason Jordan vs. Stuart Cumberland & Phillip Gouljar

We see Dillinger landing a number of big kicks and chops on Gouljar and Gouljar coming back with punches & Cumberland tags in.  Cumberland quickly tags Philip back in after a short breather.  Phillip goes for a kick, but Dillinger tags Jordan and connects with a clothesline followed by a back body drop.  Topped off with a super kick to Cumberland and Jordan nails a shoulder tackle and goes for the Olympic slam and pins him for the three count.

This is a pretty good Tag Team Match.   The announcers alluded to the fact that Tye Dillinger & Jason Jordan will be facing off against The Ascension.  They are good and we will see more of them.

Winners: Tye Dillinger & Jason Jordan

In the locker room Charlotte does not seem so happy to see Summer’s return.  Poor Summer nobody is ever excited to see her.  Summer mentions that she has been on Total Divas and in Hollywood. She talks about how she has been putting the BFFs on the map.

Tyler Breeze makes his way to the ring. He says that it is time for your weekly dose of the King of Cuteville and the Definition of Delish. He is the number one contender. At Takeover, he took over when he beat Seth Rogan’s less good looking little brother Sami Zayn. He is on his way to the NXT Championship. Tyler says that the NXT Title is so pristine; it should only be worn by someone who is gorgeous and that’s him. Tonight is a special night; it’s time to see the 3 Time MTV Euro Award Winning Video.  The fans like the video and Tyler starts to cry.

We are reminded of Bo Dallas’ loss to Big E thus sealing his fate and ending his time at NXT.

Main Event, Justin Gabriel vs. Adrian Neville

I like these two, they are a good pair up.

We end with Justin going for a splash but Adrian quickly moves and hits him with a kick to the head and then a drop kick into the corner.  Adrian rolls up Justin into position to hit the red arrow for a three count.

Winner: Adrian Neville

Tyson Kidd

After the match, Adrian celebrates in the ring and Tyson Kidd enters. He tells Adrian he feels like a fool for the way he reacted after their match at NXT Takeover. They went to war for nearly 30 minutes and then Adrian offered his hand and he blew him off. Man to man, he is truly sorry. Tyson says that Adrian did beat him but the next time they get in the ring together, he will beat Adrian, that’s a fact. He wants one more chance at this NXT Championship.  Tyson offers his hand to Adrian and Adrian takes the mic. Adrian asks Tyson if they want to do this one more time for the NXT Title? Adrian says that he has it. Tyson shakes his hand and he leaves the ring.  Clap, Clap, Clap I so want another match between these two, can’t wait! I would take a Triple Treat Match between Tyson, Justin & Adrian if someone wanted to make it happen.

We had 4 great matches tonight, a fun video and a promise of a rematch between Adrian Neville  & Tyson Kidd.  A lot of action and a lot of good times on NXT tonight.

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