Thursday, February 2, 2012

This one time when my life was like a soap opera…..

So twice in the last week I was questioned about a particular former family relation….
One of my co workers asked how do you know so and so? Then some girls from Josiah’s grade asked how is so and so related to the Leavitts…HMM both times the question got a lengthy response from me. You see my ex husband used to date this girl…and when I say date I mean have relations in the biblical sense with for an extended period of time. Then they "broke up" he dated another girl for a couple of weeks/month and then started dating me. No big deal right…everyone has a past. WELL there was a catch to his pass in the process of “dating” her she had no where to live because of a negative home life. So the ex asked his mom to take her in…so his mom did! She started fostering the relationship girl. So while Son was having relations parents were fostering…so when they broke up she was no longer living at MOM AND DAD’S but very much still part of the family! Everyone was Mom, Dad, sisters, brothers & family. She would come to all special occasions, holidays and the like. Enters naive Michelle who has only been with her husband in a biblical sense…nobody before that! Who naively thinks that she shouldn’t have to share her then husband & new family with his ex he was having relations with. Ya it didn’t fly! I was made to feel I was a bad Christian for not accepting the situation and loving people anyway. It’s not that I didn’t love people, it wasn’t that I was hating on anyone I was just hating on the situation and didn’t think it was fair! How can one say they had relations with someone and in the same breath say they are brother and sister? Ya sorry you can’t have it both ways that’s just wrong…weird and dysfunctional with a capital D! So when asked I now tell the truth how I know this person and how they are related to my ex and guess what everyone thinks like me – weird & not right! WOW shocking!!! So I would like to say it hasn’t left me any worse the wear but really it has…I now always dislike any thoughts mentions or talk about peoples exs. So boo to you guys for making me feel like I had to be ok with something so RIDICULOUS!

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