Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Total Divas BRIE MODE, PUKE and MORE Season 3 Episode 16

Que Brie Mode

It's the European tour and everyone is excited about it.  Paige wants to see Brie Mode on this tour but Nikki wants to squash that plan.  Paige baits Brie by saying "Brie Mode" is a myth because she never saw it.  This puts Brie on the defense claiming "Brie Mode" is a freaking LEGEND!  

So to prove a point Brie went out partying with Paige. She ended up in full Brie Mode and out of control. She drank until she was completely out of it.  The next day Nikki was ticked off with Brie she couldn't convince a passed out Brie to open her hotel room door the next day so she had to get the front desk to let her in the room.  When Nikki finally got Brie up to go do a pre-match work out Brie projectile vomits all over Nikki's boobs.  It was gross and nasty I gagged a bit myself but it was funny.  It was risky business being that sick and having a match but Brie brought her A Game to the ring and had Brie Mode in ring having a fantastic match with AJ Lee.  

Foxy. . .Love Lost

So Alicia and Wade Barrett had been dating for about 2 years.  Wade was Alicia's first love and when he broke it off she didn't really deal with it or get closure.  So it was fine while Wade was out injured but once he was back Alicia was traumatized trying to avoid him at all cost.  
Alicia and Rosa end up in a fight because Rosa tells Alicia she needs to deal with this.  After Foxy cools down she does confide in Rosa that Wade really broke her heart and she doesn't even know why he broke up with her. 

So still rather nervous about dealing with Wade we had another puke session.  Round two of vomiting comes from Alicia who apparently gets an upset stomach when she has to deal with such things.  So the other Divas like Rosa tell Foxy you need to talk to Wade.  
So, after she worked up the courage she went to Wade and talked to him asking why he broke up with her. He was very kind with her but did tell her the truth. He said he didn't see their relationship being forever and he didn't want to waste her time or his. While painful to hear hopefully it helped Alicia with a bit of closure she needed.  It closed with a hug.  

When The Going Gets Tough. . . The Tough stand together

Nattie definitely her plate full!  Her dad has been suffering from an addiction he doesn't believe is real. So when Nattie found out her father was even prepared to lie about his addiction in open court – she snapped. She new an intervention was necessary and she knew she couldn't do it herself.
So Nattie talks TJ and asks him to help her get her father some help and that turned because he loves and respects him and she can't do it on her own.  I have to say that I loved seeing TJ step up to the plate for this.  What ever problems these two have relational wise and personally you can still see the love and commitment.  (On a total side note I'm so done with how their in ring story line is going. Please make it stop).

Nattie thought that if she got her father to the point he’d be willing to listen – he would simply see for himself how much his addiction has been taking a toll.  Jim was a legend in his own time and now that he is older he isn't transitioning well and living in the past glory helps to contributes to his less than great choices.  He’s been sick on and off for years yet he refused to see it on his own so Nattie got a counselor that used to work alongside her dad in the WWE to come in and speak to him. And though she didn't talk her dad into staying for longer than a week at a rehabilitation center – she did convince him to at least try it out.  I have to say WWE is impressive in looking after their own.  I hear Jim is doing well so I'm sure we will here more in the episodes.

I'll be back next week with more Total Divas.

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