Monday, February 9, 2015

Total Divas Season 3 Episode 15

Check out my recap below: 

Ariane & Foxy #GirlBye

Ariane  wants to work out the animosity with Alicia. It seems the two of them got off on the wrong foot from the very start and Ariane thinks eventually if they work things out then who knows maybe they could have a professional relationship.  Both being heels they could perhaps work together. 

That said Alicia doesn't want to make nice with Ariane. She kind of loathes her and isn't shy about putting it out there. So Rosa decided to ask Ariane to come out for a girls’ weekend with her and Alicia. They figure if Alicia won't be able to ignore Ariane  so she would be forced to get along.  Alicia, however, kept going at Ariane and even Ariane attempted to be the bigger person she finally snapped and told Alicia off.  Rosa was stuck in the middle and she didn't know how to keep the two women from fighting.   Finally Ariane and Alicia did sit down and voice their concerns with each other. And funnily enough it looks like Alicia has been acting the way she does because she thought Ariane was going to be her replacement. Yet Ariane told her there was room for the both of them in the company. So, once, Alicia put aside her insecurities – she and Ariane agreed to be nice. 

They aren't besties just yet but by the end of the episode they were working on playing nice.  

Brie &  Bryan #BabyMode

The Bella Twins are on the top of their game right now that said it could change and that is leaving the twins less then happy with each other.   

Brie and Nikki were out shopping when Nikki found out her Brie doesn't use birth control. Apparently, Brie doesn't use condoms because she’s married but she also doesn't use the pill because she doesn't want to put chemicals in her body. So right now she and her husband are using the old fashion “pull-out” method.  It would be safe to say Nikki wasn't happy to hear this. TMI for sure but what does it mean for the Bella Brand if Brie gets pregnant? She and Brie have recently expanded their brand into merchandising and they currently have a lot of money being invested in them. 

When Nikki told John about he understood her frustrations but at the end of the day he feels like Brie has a right to have a baby if she wants.  Nikki is left annoyed that John  didn't agree with her.  

Nikki had actually decided to invite Brie and Bryan to dinner just so she could convince them to use birth control.  I have to say these two have twin boundary issues! (Remember Brie previously stuck her nose into  Nikki's relationship now it's Nikki's turn to stick nose where she doesn't belong).  Brie of course told her Nikki off. What she does with her husband is none of Nikki’s business and she was too cold hearted and was only concerned with money, adding the dig that she thought Nikki's real problem was that Brie is married and able to have children whenever she wants unlike her sister's relationship with John Cena. 

Brie isn't pregnant and she is still in the ring but Nikki is already treating her future pregnancy as happening any day now.  Nikki seems to think she now only needs to think of herself. when making a business decision.  I think it's safe to say the twin drama will never end! 

Nattie #TheStruggleIsReal 

Poor Nattie, all she ever wanted to do was work with TJ and now with the issues they are having working together is horrible.   Add to that her dad being sick, her house being fumigated and having car troubles, the girl is rightfully on the edge!  

She has to go to a hotel while her house is being fumigated but Naomi tells her to come stay with her and Jimmy.  Nattie takes Naomi up on the offer, however all isn't well with that arrangement. Cat hair and smells dominate the apartment.  Nattie forgot the pooper scooper and Naomi cleaned the litter by hand, can we all say a collective EWWW!  Nattie asks for a spoon to clean the litter. . . ain't nobody down with that! Then there is the annoyance of cat hair in Jimmy's favorite spot.   Nattie being emotionally raw decides she will leave and go to a hotel after all. Naomi being the great friend that she is talks her down and encourages her.  

Honorable Mention 

I miss these two on the show so much! 

I can tell you this was the best Total Divas Episode since Mid-season!  Lot's of Nattie, lots of Ariane and I LOVED seeing Naomi and Jimmy BRING THEM BACK!! 

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Michelle C-C


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