Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Night My Husband Turned Off The TV

It all started Christmas last year, you know 2007. My sister was going out West to spend the Holidays with her son. So I was out shopping for the perfect little something for her to take along on the plane ride.
Being kindred fans of Dave, Morley and the gang, I felt I had hit the jackpot when I found Vinyl Café Diaries at the local Super Store.
The perfect little plane pal. Well I got to thinking if I buy this for her I will want to keep it for myself….hmm this was a dilemma.
Then the thought came to me I could buy two books; one for her and one for me. A Christmas present to myself. It was early December when I bought them and I might add I showed GREAT restraint in not reading it immediately. I met her the following week at the coffee shop to exchange early Christmas gifts. We live an hour apart thus meeting in the middle. She was delighted with her “plane pal.” Mine still sat in my closet with the mound of other presents for my family.
Finally Christmas Eve arrived and it made it under the tree with all the other presents. I cheerfully opened it on Christmas morning thanking myself for such a good present!
I didn’t get to start reading it right away because there was holiday things to do, meal making, merry making, toy building that kind of stuff.
I few days later I began reading it, giggling and totally enjoying myself. It managed to accompany me to bed one evening. My husband was in the basement watching TV while I laid in bed reading…Lazy Lips. Well it would be safe to say that my giggles escalated to hysterical laughter. My husband must of assumed I was having some type of Post Christmas Hysteria Break Down. He turned the TV off and came to bed and asked me if I was ok. I said; " yes I’m fine I’m just reading my Stuart Mclean book and it’s really funny." “Would you like me to start the chapter over and read it to you,” I asked. My husband tunes into CBC to listen to Stuart often as well, so of course his reply was, “sure.” Well I’m not Stuart and let’s just say my hysterical laughter didn’t do well for the reading of Lazy Lips. Dean didn’t laugh nearly as much as I did. Probably due to the fact he didn’t understand half of what I said. I had to keep stopping and laughing mid stream. Dean may not of enjoyed my reading to him much but he did get to bed earlier that night.
Dave’s fear of public speaking brought me back to when I was a teenager and had first started preaching in church. I was 14 and our Minister at the time would get the young people to study and preach maybe 4 times a year or so. The sermon would only be about 10 minutes. As I look back on it I'm sure that 10 minutes seemed very long to most of the congregation! I used to be very practice with my notes. I would have everything written down even, “Good Morning.” I used to practice in the mirror, you know the effective gesturing as well as reading it over and over to any family member who was willing to listen.
I had my moments of less the perfect executions of public speaking. Thus I totally find Dave's fear hilarious because I too had my moments of stage fright!

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