Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Lovin' ?

So this is how it goes....I haven't been on here for like EVER! May, imagine, I am a bit ashamed of myself. I know I can't use the excuse that the weather is far to nice to be on the computer. Anyone that lives in the Maritimes knows that is a big fat lie! I don't even know what to say about our summer. One day it was June 19th and SCHOOL WAS OUT FOR THE SUMMER with the hopes an dreams of all the summer fun and festivities. Now it's Aug 8th and I am still looking for the good times of summer to start. Oh, I know what you are thinking; “it's what you make it, Michelle.” But really, couldn't the weather agree with us for maybe something wild like three days in a row. Wouldn't that be sweet! Well I have lots on my mind and since I've started writing I guess you will hear more from me...I know the weather will agree for that! I'll be back!!!!!

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