Thursday, May 14, 2009

Puking, Pooping and Out Patients

So last week Josiah came home from school with the “STOMACH FLU” flying out of both ends. Well that was all well and good it lasted two days and it was over with a sigh of relief from Momma. Sunday night, however, Jonathan decided to take the flu torch and start his puking and pooping escapades! Not wanting to be out done by his older brother his flu is far more intense!!! Now little Miss got in on the action as well and started her own little fit of puking and pooping as well. Thankfully Brooklynn had the least of it and hers only lasted the day. She is all better I‘m hoping. Tuesday it got so fun that Jonathan started puking blood. Oh ya good times!!! When Jonathan started puking blood it is safe to say we quickly went to outpatients not to be confused with we quickly were finished at outpatients!! We were there from about 4pm-8pm another good time had by all with puking going on in the jeep and pooping and puking going on in the waiting room at outpatients. Did I mention that due to the SWINE FLU I have to take 4 samples of poop for both Brooklynn and Jonathan. That would be 8 in total!!! It’s now Thursday and Jonathan is still going strong with the poop and puke fun and festivities! Did I also mention I’m getting a little queasy myself and stool samples are not the most fun collection in the world. I think I would stick to collecting stamps if I were you!!! Anyhow…I just collected a fantastic stool sample from Jonathan while I tried to refrain from puking myself…did I mention I had to get off the toilet to let him go!!!
Anyway it’s safe to say we’ve had a pretty CRAPPY week PUN intended!!!!
Till next rant stay away from the flu and don’t coming asking to use my bathroom it’s more then occupied!

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