Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The ups and downs of my stupid freaking thyroid

So as you all know I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in December, 2011. Yesterday was my third visit to my specialist. In December I started out taking 3 pills a day, last visit it was changed to 2 pills a day and this visit yesterday it was changed to 1 pill a day. You would assume this is a good thing. Wow that’s great Michelle you appear to be getting better. No I thought I was but not so much. It would appear my symptoms now are more related to a hypo thyroid (random weight gain and general sluggishness are my two FAVORITE ones, please sense the sarcasm). You see before it was hyper with all kinds of fun stuff (rapid heart rate, shortness of breath insomnia & swelling to highlight the best ones) but this really isn’t any better I don’t want to be going around sluggish and gaining weight without a good treat to blame it on. So my thyroid, the annoying thing that it is, is not I repeat is not easily regulated! So now I have to come up with some way to work around its annoying attributes. So if you have any suggestions for weight loss for a girl who has no energy and her thyroid is causing trouble that would be great. I would like to loose 40 pounds, thank you thyroid for making that even more difficult! Again I am open to suggestions.

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