Friday, April 20, 2012

2 is better than 1 so it says in The Good Book!

My news, I’m engaged that’s right engaged! Brad and I have decided to get married October 20, 2012. I know people think it is crazy to get married especially when you’ve already had one failed marriage. (That would be me Brad has never been married before.) I have heard lots of comments and lots of views the general consensus of most married people is that if they ever found themselves single again there would be NO WAY, I repeat NO WAY they would ever, ever get married again! Well I’m not them, I am the marrying type! I don’t like being single! I know once you’ve been hurt and you think everyone is the same and out to use you that it’s hard to open up your heart again and give it a try. Well I considered folding, I’m not going to lie but where is the blessing in that. It’s easy to fold, move on and say; “oh we can’t get along, it’s not going to work blah, blah, blah,” when really that is just the lazy way out. 90% of the time Brad and I get along the other 10% is the same argument with a different face we as male and female brought up in two different homes communicate differently. Our perception of what the other is saying is different then what the other is actually meaning. Do you know what I mean? (Little punny there) So when we actually sit down and say; “when you said this, this is what I heard,” then the other one has a chance to say but I didn’t mean it like that this is what I meant… 99% of the time we have the same goals we just have different ideas of how to attain them or maybe we think we have very different ideas and really it isn’t that different after all. So I’m saying this for all you out there that think single life is better I disagree there is nothing better then sharing your life with someone else on a full time forever bases. Is it always easy and simple, heck no but it brings great blessings! I can’t wait to be Mrs Clark, it’s very exciting! Ecclesiastes 4 tells us that 2 is better than 1 who am I to argue with The Bible! So when it happens I will be sure to post pictures for all you blog readers (I’m sure you’ve discovered by now I’m not a traditionalist…so don’t think you’ll see me in a white dress, oh wait that is another thing that was mentioned to me…I shouldn’t wear white…it’s a symbol of purity. If we went by that rule I’m thinking 99% of the brides out there should go buy a black wedding gown with a red letter A on it to remind them of their shames and sins of the past because that’s what GOD would want you to do! Please note the sarcasm!) However I won’t be wearing white NOT because I’m an impure sinner and I want to walk in shame but because I’m a colorful personality type of gal that is loved, accepted and forgiven by God. I’m not the type to live in the shame of my past or others shame for that matter. So I’m excited to be getting married, God has blessed me with a wonderful guy that I want to spend my life with…and your blessings are welcomed your judgment not so much!

For those who aren't familiar the red letter A is referenced from the book The Scarlet Letter an 1850 romantic work of fiction in a historical setting, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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