Thursday, June 28, 2012

About Hitch Hikers

So here is my deal. I occasionally crack and pick up hitch hikers. I do this because of my background! I grew up with a single mom of six (after she left her abusive husband) in a day and age where there wasn't government funding & housing to help in such circumstances. (Or maybe it just wasn't so readily available or their was more pride back in the day) at any rate basically we were poor & never had a car! When I was in grade 5 about 10 my mom had a major stroke and was in the hospital in the next community because my community didn't have a hospital. I remember one day my brother Joey took me to visit her via hitch hiking. I was scared out of my mind because a guy with a van picked us up and well guys with vans back then and now first thought creeper. Anyway the bottom line to my bad judgement and soft spot is that I know what it's like to not have a drive to go somewhere you really need to go or want to go and have no way to get there! Sometimes I do pass by but when it's 2 girls half dressed I pick them up or if it's raining I don't have the heart. On the up side I get some prayer time in on the drive! Lord don't let them be crazy and try attacking me, Lord don't let them smell, Lord don't let them have lice and then some of the stuff like Lord bless them and may this one little act of kindness change their life in a positive way.

This is what inspired me writing this little bleep about hitch hikers ….(Facebook conversation) ME- I'm such a sucker for picking up hitch hikers! Then I'm scared the whole drive!
• Fanie Mazerolle Not again!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!
• Heather Welton MICHELLE !!!!
• Bradford Clark think of the children!!
• Michelle McKinnon Ferreira OMG! be careful
• Linda Sewell-Lord all of the above!!!!!
• Janice Martin stop it!!
• Jane Cunningham Michelle, don't do that!
• Samantha Foret LOL ! Michelle !!!
• Margaret E Perry Dupuis it's no a good idea anymore unless you are sure you know them.
• Shannon Leavitt Brown I know Michelle. I think the hitch hiker should be scared ;) (seriously though, stop)
• Robena Lloyd Clark done a lot of hitching in my life but am weary of picking up hitch hikers mite turn out to be a relative and want to go home with you
• Linda Marlene Klassen I know we have a lot of sympathy for these poor people hitch hickers..but in this day and age it is defiantly not safe for either the hicker or the pickeruper.
• Cathleen Andrews Stop it, Michelle! It's not safe.
• Kathryn Bjornson Don't do that ever.
• Sarah Cunningham Kay I pick up hitch hikers too. It's like a rush! You're scared shitless while you're doing it but immediately once they exit your car you feel all warm and fuzzy inside for doing a good deed.
• Michelle McKinnon Ferreira I get it... still don't like it (for you), but I get it
• Patricia Morris MacDonald I get it as well, Michelle, although I don't think I'd ever do it myself. Even Mark rarely picks up hitchhikers now. It's just sad that in this day and age it's something you have to worry about.
• Michelle McKinnon Ferreira I've never been on either end of that one, too nervous either way
• Robena Lloyd Clark Lloyd hitched so much for a number of years Michelle that the leader of a local band always sang the song "Hitching a Ride" for him when we would go to dances.

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