Friday, June 29, 2012

The Visual Cliff

So I was doing some work on my Infant Mental Health Course and thought I would share some information with you….

The first year is such a year of growth and development! 
When I think that at 1-3 months of ages a child begins to develop the capacity to self regulate it blows me away.  Maintaining feelings of well being, controlling the amount of stimulation coming in and modulating the degree of arousal - WOW if a 3 month old can do all that why is it so hard for adults to accomplish!

To think of the entire gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, language and communication, emotional and social changes an infant goes through in the first year is amazing.  We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made!!

The Visual Cliff video is a great illustration to how much a baby depends on Mom’s cues to let them know what is safe and unsafe.  I would really like to be able to show this video to all parents  to help them realize just how important they really are to their children and the choices they make.   

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