Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The SPORT of Wrestling….

So here is a bit of information you may not know about me…I LOVE wrestling! Being a 43 year old Mom of 3 whose day jobs include Early Intervention, Human Service Counseling and a little Ministering on the side, people are like, “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU LIKE WRESTLING IT’S SO FAKE!!!!!” “It seems so odd that you like that stuff you seem smarter than that!” “BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!”

Here’s the deal these Men and Women work their rear ends (Arse would be the common word if you were Sheamus from WWE) off to entertain us! Their job as professional wrestlers is to entertain us & in doing that they often seriously hurt themselves and exhaust themselves in a somewhat thankless job. I would like to see one nay sayer try to do what these professionals do to their bodies on a regular basis for us! Not just wrestling and torturing their bodies but all the while acting!!! They often have the hardest acts and gimmicks to pull off and they do it!!! Where are their Oscars?? Can you imagine having to go out and give 100% in the ring and to the audience knowing that tonight you are losing and maybe you are going to be that guy who loses for the next 2 months or more! You wrestle, you hurt and you lose! Yet you are back at it the very next night or week doing the same thing all over again! I just don’t know how people can criticize that!!!

It’s fun, there is always an over the top story line and there is men and women that give their all to the SPORT! I don’t know any other sport where you have to be a performer too!! Sure you may have to give an interview or two if you are playing football, baseball, hockey or anything of the like but you don’t have to daily put yourself out there to have fans LOVE you and LOVE TO HATE you regularly!!!

People complain about wrestling but do they really stop and think about how hard of a job these guys and gals have!!! Sure they have to love their job to be in it but GEEZ whoever thinks its easy is the crazy ones!!! I can tell you from a mental health stand point I could not do what they do! I am used to public speaking but if every time I got up to speak to people and the crowd booed me I would crack and that is no lie!!! Now I’ve spoken to handfuls and hundreds but NEVER thousands and to have a crowd of thousands of haters booing and holding up signs HARSH!!! So I commend each and every wrestler out there that can handle the unforgiving, judging crowds/masses. I also can tell you on a physical health stand point I could not do what they do either!! Seriously they get beat on regularly! And though it’s “fake” as some like to say I am here to tell you if I was in a wrestling ring and someone jumped off the top rope on to me I would be hurt. AND IT WOULD LEAVE A MARK!!! Ya sure my job has required me to restrain strong people before and I may pin my 14 year old son as a joke and a reminder that Mom can still take him even if he is taller than her but come on I wouldn’t stand a chance in the ring with a professional wrestler!!

So to all you out there that think wrestling is a joke I have to say I disagree! Take a peek at what these professionals do -it really is amazing! I watch WWE Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smack Down regularly and am honestly disappointed when I miss it! I rarely miss the PPVs as well! I also watch The Score/Aftermath TV regularly as well. Arda Ocal, Renee Paquette & Jimmy Korderas are great!!! They add to the wrestling experience for sure!! Sometimes I watch other wrestling but the above mentioned is my regular…so if you’re not a wrestling fan and think it’s all fake and are the blah, blah, blah type I hope I said enough to make you at least think differently of the profession and maybe even take a peek. If you are a fan and you are always trash talking them remember, “ya it’s their job” but show them some respect they are there for your entertainment!!! And I HATE HATE HATE the stereotyping that wrestlers are dumb! Do you realize that most of them have or have had other professional backgrounds?? Kane-Glenn Thomas Jacobs comes to my mind for this one. He has a degree in English Literature and is a former third grade teacher! He doesn't sound dumb now does he???

I love them all at WWE & some days I hate them and trash talk while I sit on my sofa watching saying “Oh I would like to jump off that top rope and kick that guy in the face!” or I may say something rude on my twitter about that other guy boo, boo, boo
LOL but really at the end of it all I can’t help liking them & loving WRESTLING!! I can't name all the guys because I would be sure to miss someone but I will tell you my favorite gals are AJ, Layla & Vickie!


  1. Yeah, for some people wrestling is a lifetime thing. I've been a fan since I was six and Vince has had his hooks in me ever since. I don't get to watch it live since I work so much, but I catch it on Youtube whenever I can. People can say it's fake and they're right. But movies are fake and it's ok to watch them too.

    Fun is fun and that's what it all comes down to.

    (Favorite Male Wrestler: Undertaker
    Favorite Female Wrestler: Beth Pheonix)

    1. Hey Roger thanks for reading and commenting!!! I haven't been on in awhile! Love the Undertaker too! Hard to say but Kane might be my Favourite!!! As far as the Diva's I don't really have a Favourite more like a favourite 3!
