Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Vacation – August 2012 – Cape Breton

So we went to Cape Breton for a week again this summer. We had a great time seeing family & friends and for me meeting some new ones.

The thing many does not know about me is that I stress myself out tremendously before I go home to The Island. As the time comes closer to going I am an emotional wreck. (I know I don't seem the type it surprises even me). I get grumpy, exhausted and more emotional than usual. I could just sleep, sleep and sleep before I go. I take on everyone's issues surrounding who I am and become a mess. I didn't make the choice to be me. My parents made a mistake and here I am. However as family goes nothing is ever that simple or that easy. So I feel torn between everyone and the situation. So before I leave I am found saying “I don't want to go” and while I'm there I say “I'm not coming back next year” I find it too hard. This year was no different I did say those things just less. I decided before I left that I was just going to enjoy vacation and forget about the crazy family dynamics and just relax. Which I did for at least 85% of the time which is way better than usual.

We stayed at my brother & his wife Donald & Jennifer. Very gracious hosts! Thank you guys! Jen is expecting in November which is very exciting. And I didn't even get a picture of the baby belly!!! I am such a slacker!
My other brother and his significant other Brett & Donna took the kids for two nights....I wonder if they are still sleeping!? I was so grateful. They are fantastic with the kids, Thanks so much!
Dad was going through treatments for his cancer! It's been 4 long years for him and Una. It's exhausting on them both. Many would of just given up but he's a trooper still hanging in there fighting and keeping going. We didn't get to visit as much as we would of liked but hearts are with you!
I got to hang with my niece Danielle a bit which is always fun!!! We even got to take her on a scenic route in Baddeck & Kelly's Mountain.
I briefly got to see my brother Joey twice. I got to see my sister in-law Cathy a bit at Needs in Baddeck (great spot to buy stuff if you are travelling through).
I got to see my friend Cathleen which was nice. There was many family and friends that I didn't get to see. Which is disappointing but I now choose to say next time and not fret over the fact I didn't see them. (Which I may of done on previous occasions.)

We went swimming in the lake, back to school shopping, site seeing & eating in with family and eating out also. Did I mention there was nothing clean about my eating during vacation. It was a free for all. So I'm back at extras, no sugars or carbs after lunch & nothing to snack on after supper. Oatmeal & grapes for breakfast this morning baby!!!

Thursday evening started the friends end of the trip. Brad's friend Gary that he went to school with was getting married in Baddeck. Thursday night we had a bonfire and I started out just knowing Brad & Todd (Brad's BFF) but quickly met a lot of great people!! We went to Brunch Friday morning with John, Laura & Todd and basically hung with them for the day and evening. LOVE THEM great people!!! Gary and Char had a wonderful wedding day and evening. They appear to be very much in love and know how to enjoy life together. May they be blessed with a long and happy life together.

One of my favourite things about Cape Breton is it's beauty. The ocean is so calming for me. I would like to get a chance to just sit and gaze . . . perhaps next visit I will do that.

With kids they tend not to get the sit and gaze concept. They are still in the run and rip type. I know that there is some out there that are still old school enough that they would prefer kids to be seen and not heard. However I know it will be a sad day for me when my kids who are already growing up too fast have grown and don't want to be foolish, silly & annoying anymore! I guess Brad with have to take over the foolish, silly & annoying role when that happens!

All in all it was a good vacation...good time had by all. Now back to the real world of getting all set for school and work. Oh and let's not forget getting ready for my own wedding October 20th....

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