Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Great Overview for You on Infant & Toddlers Development

As parents and caregivers we always want to do the best for our children.  That said we are human and don't always know everything.  Here is a great overview of Infant and Toddler norms.  

Your Baby at 1 Month
Welcome to the first month of your baby’s life. Some amazing things are set to
happen. For example, you’ll notice your baby will begin to:
• Stare at colourful objects.
• Study your face when you smile.
• Respond positively to comfort and soothing.
• Cry to tell you she’s hungry or uncomfortable.
• Enjoy being talked to and respond with her own special happy dance –
on her back, waving her arms and legs.

Your Baby at 2 Months
As your baby enters his second month, he will gain new skills right before your eyes.
At this stage you will notice that your baby is beginning to:
• Turn his head to both sides.
• Follow objects and people with his eyes.
• Smile when others talk to him and smile at him.
• Show excitement or delight with small throaty sounds.
• Recognize familiar voices and people.

Your Baby at 3 Months
Your baby will start to demonstrate more predictable skills. He will start to:
• Hold his head up with more control.
• Play with his hands by clasping them and bringing them to his mouth.
• Stop sucking so that he can hear sounds.
• Use his voice in response to adult talk and smiles.
• Coo with open (‘aaaah’) and closed (‘eee’) vowel sounds.

Your Baby at 4 Months
As your baby’s fourth month begins, you will see some truly awesome changes. This is when your baby begins to:
• Lift her head and chest when she’s on her tummy, and extend her arms.
• Try to grasp objects with fingers and palm now that her hands are open.
• Laugh out loud when tickled or during social games.
• Show anticipation and excitement by breathing heavily.
• Turn his head to find out where a sound comes from.

Your Baby at 5 Months
The fifth month of life sets the stage for more interactive developmental growth. You will notice your baby starting to:
• Sit, if supported, to view her world.
• Start to connect eyes and fingers. Cooperate in reaching and grasping toys.
• Make sounds and interrupt conversations when he wants attention.
• Display an awareness and wariness with strangers.
• Babble double consonants such as baba, dada, mama.

Your Baby at 6 Months
Approaching the half-year mark, your baby is becoming an active member of the family. At this stage he will:
• Roll from stomach to back and over again.
• Use hands to bang and splash objects.
• Prefer to play with people, especially games like ‘peek-a-boo.’
• Vocalize both pleasure and displeasure.
• Study objects for a long time, even turning them upside down to get another view.

Your Baby at 7 to 9 Months
The second half of the first year shows some remarkable new abilities. At
this stage you will notice your baby will begin to:
• Move either by crawling, bum shuffling, or pivoting on the tummy
• Use her first and second fingers with her thumb – even feed herself
a cracker.
• Copy actions he sees others do, such as waving bye-bye
• Clearly attach herself to familiar caregivers and want to stay close
• Show intention when exploring objects to understand what they do
or sounds they make

Your Baby at 10 to 12 Months
The last months of your baby’s first year are a time full of wonderful new
accomplishments. Now your baby will start to:
• Walk while holding onto furniture.
• Pinch fingers neatly to pick up the smallest items.
• Repeat sounds or gestures if laughed at.
• Display affection with hugs, kisses and pats.
• Understand simple sentences and requests like ‘Where’s your shoe?’

Your Child between 13 to 18 Months
Your baby’s second year of life brings new skills for a different perspective on the world around her. At this
stage your baby will begin to:
• Push and pull toys while walking.
• Turn pages of a book.
• Show a sense of humour.
• Identify herself in the mirror or photograph.
• Realize that things are still there, even when they are out of sight.

Your Toddler between 19 to 24 Months
Your toddler is entering a new and exciting stage of life. In this first stage,
he will start to:
• Kick a ball.
• Take off shoes, socks and hats.
• Show ownership or possession of objects.
• Show fear, but is able to be settled down.
• Use two word sentences such as ‘More juice.’

Your Toddler between 25 to 30 Months
As she starts into her third year, you will notice some dramatic
achievements. For example, your toddler will start to:
• Walk upstairs and downstairs alone, with both feet on one step.
• Scribble, clutching the crayon in her whole hand.
• Show she can be attached to a cuddly or favorite toy.
• Express feelings through language and pretend play.
• Better understand the similarities and differences of shapes and

Your Toddler between 31 to 36 Months
The last half of your child’s third year is full of exciting developmental gains.
At this stage you will notice your toddler beginning to:
• Run without falling.
• Remove lids from jars, rotating her wrist.
• Enjoy playing near other children, but he is not yet able to play cooperatively.
• Enjoy looking at books and talking about the pictures.
• Match shapes, pictures, and some colours.

Your Preschooler between 48 to 60 Months
The fifth year of your child’s life signals the end of early childhood. As she
prepares to enter a new world of school and friends, she will begin to:
• Start running, then stop and change direction smoothly.
• Draw a person with head, arms, legs and trunk.
• Begin to grasp the concept of sharing.
• Use pretend play to gain control of frustrating and frightening
• Tell long stories about her own experiences.

For more detailed information check out there is lots of great ideas to Comfort, Play & Teach your infant and/toddler.  

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