Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So I do realize that some get totally annoyed when people talk about health and wellness. Here’s my deal I want to be healthy! I want to be Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically GOOD! And I like to talk so you hear everything else from me so don’t be surprised when you hear my new decisions. So I started on Sunday recommitting myself to working out and eating better. I suck at it because I’m lazy. Not going to deny it, I HATE WORKING OUT! Never liked it, don’t know if I ever will. I ADORE Pepsi, Lindor Chocolate & regular potatoes chips! That said my adoration isn’t doing much for my waistline or my energy level for that matter. So I’ve decided to change it up a bit.
Sunday I had oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, a pita with chicken, pineapple, tomatoes & cheese and chicken and broccoli for supper. And I worked out after work doing a 20 min Ab blast DVD.
Monday I got up at 6am did an AM Pilates workout, had egg whites, apple, orange, yogurt & a tea for breakfast, the same lunch as Sunday and roast and mixed veggies for supper. And did 20 min Arm work out DVD at lunch time too (in my office).
Today Wednesday I got again at 6am (my new official get up time)! I did
Cross Training workout from my friend Sue…
(Should take 20-30 mins)
1min of jumping jacks
1min of skipping
3 sets of 10 wall squats and bicep curls (Use weights if you like)
2mins of knee ups
3 sets of 10 pushups
1min of ski
1min of side jumps (speed skater)
3 sets of 10 sit-ups
Hold plank for as long as possible
2mins running on the spot
3 sets of 10 tricep dips on a chair!
1min of jumping jacks
3 sets of 10 squats and shoulder press (Use weights if you like)

This works out kills me! I love it though! I don’t really think I need to do anything else to day after that but we’ll see…
I had egg whites again for breakfast with a banana and a glass of milk, I plan on having the same lunch again today because I still have enough in the fridge at work to have it again. Tomorrow will be something new.
Who knows about supper I know there will be carrots, turnip and cabbage in there. I HEART all 3 and so does the kids when I mash them together! YUMMY!
So what I’m doing is choosing to eat carbs and sugar before no later then 1pm. Not having snacks between meals and nothing after supper. I am not starving myself just regulating. Trying to make some better choices and do a little more activity then I usually do. I know you’re probably skeptic when I say this day 3 I’m already feeling better. I want to loose some weight between 30-40 pounds by October. Not an insane amount and I believe it’s totally do able.

So if you want to work with me give some of these tips a try if you are not there yet just think of one thing a day that will make you a better you. It doesn’t have to be physical it could be one of the other 3 you want to work on today. Spiritual, Mental or Emotional…..there is always room to improve somewhere in our lives. It’s when we stop trying and give up we loose sight of who we are and who we can be. (Why not get wild and try working on all 4)


  1. Awesome job Michelle! I totally didn't clue in today when you were talking about your workout that it was the one we did! I am glad you are enjoying it! You just let me know if you want a change and I will hook you up!! You can DO IT!!!

    1. So far yours is the best work out Sue! Well change is always good to keep it interesting so if you want to do up another 20-30 min work out I won't complain. Thanks I appreciate you! ;-)
