Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Wee Little "UNWORTHY" Man.....

So Sunday evening I went to Calvary to hear Russ Taff he used to be one of my FAVS when I was a teenager! So he sang some familiar tunes and then he spoke. He spoke about Zacchaeus. He didn’t speak long just a little word to remind us that Jesus went to hang out with the “SINNER” instead of the ones the religious gang thought he should be hangin with!

Most of you who read my blog know that I Pastored/preached full time for a couple of years at a little country church. For those who didn’t know that info SURPRISE! Russ reminded me when he spoke the other night how much I loved preaching from the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) It’s my favourite portion of scripture! Why, you ask? Because it's when Jesus was walking about the earth doing his thing, and teaching us how we should do our thing! I think a lot of people forget how Jesus was, he wasn’t liked very much by the religious because he didn’t do things inside the box!!! He was a religious rule breaker. Not a breaker of God’s heart because scripture tells us that he was tempted in every way but didn’t sin! That He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we who are tempted and often sin could be reconciled unto God! So while he enraged the religious peeps and made them totally uncomfortable he made God the Father happy!!!

Let’s talk Zacchaeus…

Remember the Sunday School song…
Zacchaeus was a wee little man and wee little man was he,
He climbed up in the sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see,
And as the Lord came passing by he looked up in the tree,
Zacchaeus you come down for I’m going to your house for tea, yes I’m going to your house for tea!
(I like the tea part because if I ever come to hang with you at your house tea is what I would like to have, thanks)

So if we look to scripture from Luke 19:1-9 we have the account of Zacchaeus meeting Jesus….

So in previous chapters as I mentioned Jesus was going about doing his thing, preaching parables (HEART THEM), healing the sick, raising the dead and disagreeing with the religious of the day. Basically, ticking off a lot of people! So why would today be any different.

So Jesus came to Jericho and he has everyone out following him about and all the right people are there the ones that deserve to be in his presence! You know those “HOLY” ones who pray and fast in public and make sure they are seen when they give an offering or do something for someone. Surly those are the ones who were worthy of Jesus the ones who tried so hard to keep the letter of the law and even made up their own rules to help EVERYONE follow God better (better being their way not always God’s way). So here comes Zacchaeus he was a little man in stature but he was well known by all and not at all popular with anyone. He was a tax collector not only a tax collector but the director of the tax collectors…popular not so much, but filthy rich. However he had nobody, family would of turned their backs on him and he would have been dead to them for all intense purposes. If he passed them on the road they would not greet him! What I learned the other night that I did not know if they accidentally brushed up against him they would go home and wash their clothes and bath. He was basically UNCLEAN just as bad as if he had leprosy! Anyway the big crowds were around Jesus and Zacchaeus wanted to see him Zacchaeus wanted some human connection again and maybe just maybe if he got a glimpse of this rule breaker Jesus he might get his attention and Jesus may even speak to him…so Zacchaeus runs ahead of Jesus climbs a sycamore tree (what it’s called in the old English version) a fig tree in God’s Word Version I generally read. So he climbs a tree and waits to see this Jesus passing by and when Jesus passes by he looks up into the tree and calls Zacchaeus by name and say; “Zacchaeus, come down I must stay at your house today.” Can you imagine the delight in Zacchaeus’ heart that someone gave him the time of day and wanted to come hang at his place!!!! Scripture says Zacchaeus came down and was glad to welcome Jesus into his home.

And I’m sure you guessed it the people (the worthy people, the good people, the religious people) began to express disapproval! IMAGINE THAT! They were like, ah what is Jesus doing he went to be a guest with a sinner! HELLO doesn’t he know that isn’t allowed in the rule book??? Ya, I think Jesus knew that wasn’t allowed in mans rule book, but he saw a bigger picture, he saw a man with a heart that was longing to be filled with something. He saw a man who was dead to relationships, to others to the world but had a hungry heart.

So Jesus is dinner with Zac and he jumps up and says Lord I’ll give half of my property to the poor. I’ll pay four times as much as I owe to those I have cheated in any way.

Then Jesus says to Zac, “you and your family have been saved today. You’ve shown that you , too are one of Abraham’s descendants (oh ya Zac even though he was a sinner was still worthy)

This portion of scripture ends with V10 saying that the Son of Man (Jesus) has come to seek and to save people who are lost!

So I guess I will have to say if you are out there and you’re a sinner you’re not alone we all were and are! I want to take the opportunity as one of those religious ones to apologize to you for any believer that made you think you were less then who you are. You are someone loved and cherished by God no matter where you are what you’ve done or where you have come from. If Jesus was on the earth today he would want to come have tea with you. He loves you! You are his creation he knew who you were going to be before you ever took your first breathe he isn’t here to judge you, or hate you, he’s here to love you, be your best friend and come have a tea with you! You just have to watch for him through the crowd of religious peeps He’s there don’t let them block your view of how amazing He is! When He asks (and He will) let him come to your house for tea!!! (you know you wanna, come see if He is all He claims to be)!

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