Saturday, May 5, 2012

Do you have to love your neighbour even if you're PMSing?

Even while I type I laugh at my over the topedness!

Here’s my biggest annoyance today, I live in a community dwelling. It’s a four apartment building. When I first moved in all the people in the building got along smashingly. We put a fire pit outside and would spend our summer laughing, chatting and enjoying ourselves. (and our kids played together) Well three out of the four of those tenants have moved on but I’m still here. My fire pit is in the storage room. Do you want to know what has replaced it -the neighbours KITCHEN set! HELLO we are not living in a camp we are living in Sussex Corner where most people have normal backyards yet I’m subject to storing my fire pit so the neighbours can you know have their indoor furniture outdoors!!!! (if I knew a good country song to cue I would but good and country seem to be a contradiction of terms)

So that is my main beef I’m not feeling the whole multi family leaving arrangements these days. I am sure it has something to do with PMS because I’ve been ticked off all week without a valid reason! I know, I know for those who didn’t realize women have PMS sorry to break it to you like this but we do!!! Sometimes it's like an out of body experience. In my mind I know how crazy I sound but it's as if my body can no help itself, I NEED TO RANT about anything and everything! -Just Saying!

Even as I write I think who do I think I am?! I know other people in the building are not in love with me and my family some days either. I’m loud, my kids are sometimes loud so I’m sure that my neighbours wished I was different too. Let’s take this week for instance I got up one morning to do my morning work out -it was my cross training one from Sue that starts off with jumping jack…well instead of doing them in the living room I thought it would be more quite to do them in the kitchen apparently an epic fail! My fat rear disturbed Sarah and Jason! AWKWARD My Pilates are nice and quite so they don’t bug anyone so that’s what I did the rest of the week!!! It's when I do the cross training stuff with JUMPING JACKS that it becomes a problem...Trying to do it in the kitchen to make less noise was erroneous I'll stick to the living room from now on!

The whole situation isn’t as bleak as it appears to me. There is a lot of positive to be said about renting and what you aren’t responsible for as a tenant. And hey, I‘m good with ¾ of the crew in the building it’s just the table people who get on my nerves. Which honestly I feel bad and convicted for disliking them (it’s not just the table that bugs me by the way the husband has been removed from the premises by police for domestic violence on one occasion that I witnessed.) However writing this forces me to look at my snobbishness and remember how Jesus told me to love my neighbour!

If you were to look in Mark’s Gospel chapter 12 verses 28-34 it talks about loving your neighbour. You see one of the scribes went to Jesus during the argument with the Sadducees. Trying to trip Jesus up he asks “What commandment is most important????” Jesus says well the most important is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and the second most important commandment is this love your neighbour as you love yourself. Then he follows it with this statement: “No other commandment is great than these.” It says at the end of the chapter that no one dared to ask him another question! WELL DAH! Of course they didn’t want to ask anymore questions! They didn’t want to be accountable! I don’t want to be accountable! Sure it’s all nice and sweet to love God with all my heart, all my soul, with all my mind and all my strength. That makes me a women after God’s own heart! Woo Hoo that must make me ok then. Well not really do I have loving my neighbour down pat. That command apparently is as important as the first because in other scripture it tells us that in obeying these 2 commands we obey all of them (you know those 10 somewhere in the front).

So long story short I’m wondering if I can love my neighbour and still hate their table?? Perhaps it's really not them or their table but the loss I feel that the group I had become so close to and enjoyed is gone! That I'm left with a fire pit in storage, an indoor table sitting where it should be and strangers where people I called friends once lived! (this last little emotional breakdown could be blamed on PMS as well -true story)

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